Working for Work

Day 811, 13:54 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dorian Greyhound

I've signed the contract and pretty soon I should get the appropriate passwords to begin working. Working as what, you might ask? (When you do ask, make sure you phrase it differently because, grammatically, that's not the best way to put it).

Well, working as a supplier in the Ministry of Work (get it? Working for's...sort of like a pun...but not quite...oh never mind). So basically I'm one of those folks who supplies military companies with raw materials. And I'll also be helping out with the civguns initiative.

When I applied, my intention was to apply as non-Military company supplier. No particular reason behind it...just seemed to fit my area of expertise better. Of course, just to show how little it mattered, I didn't even specify in the application. So, anyway, this is my first government job and I'm grateful that the minister, Jamesw, has given me this opportunity.

According to the terms of the contract, I'll hold this position for 2 months and 1 day (hence, until around 9th April). Remember, though, don't contact me personally for civguns - you need to contact the organisation (Ministry of Economics) or post on the forums (there's also IRC, but I'm not a big fan of that so someone else will handle your query). For transparency's sake, I'd assume.

Did You Know?

In this segment we post completely made-up facts in the hopes that an internet cult will gather to support them.

Did You Know...on a scale of one to ten, six being the best, Rome wasn't built in a day.

Until next time Great Britain!

Dorian Greyhound
Press Director.