Workers, beware!

Day 331, 23:40 Published in USA USA by Peter Green

Interest Inc, general manager of Food Q2 Interest is currently tricking workers to join their company by offering very high wages and immediately cutting those to very low ones after workers have accepted the job offer. This is outrageous! With the new rules, you can't immediately resign and you have to remain 3 full days with your new company. My advice is to do nothing during those 3 days if you have the means to survive. These business practices are unethical and it would be unwise to work for a company that uses them. So if you have enough food to survive for 3 days, just sit those 3 days out and resign the moment you can!
As Party President of the US Green Party, I'm urging our government to take immediate action against these companies. What we need, are honest, real jobs in companies who manage their activities in a sustainable way.
PS: you can use the comments on this page to report other companies who use this practice. Warn your fellow workers! 
Current black list:
Darq Wheats
Fast Food
Food Q2 Interest