Worker Transition Scheme

Day 317, 21:23 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Ministry of Work

Hi everyone, as you may very well know going from one company to the other for a worker can be a difficult thing, no-one might offer them a job, or they can quit thinking anythings better than this, or they don't know at what stage in their career they should be moving up. This is a scheme meant to reduce un-employment and and make it easier for both GMs and workers alike.

This is what the scheme entails

All interested businesses will be assigned a "brother" or "sister" company one of the Q level above them and one of the Q level below them. The workers of these companies will be automatically offered a job by the higher Q company at a certain skill level (decided by the two companies). The workers should be emcouraged by by both higher and lower Q company to accept the job.

This scheme will create a more stable transitional flow of employees reducing unemployment.

All companies interested please post below with the following details:



Q level:


If you are not interested in joining this scheme but still want more workers feel free to state not interested and still give the details neccasary:



Q level:


Skill level taken:

Need of Workers:


Thanks alot everyone, DoW