Work force allocation

Day 257, 05:18 Published in Ireland USA by Inanis

I've done a quick screening of the weapons and housing sector of Ireland.
I was shocked.. there are 59 irishmen working in weapon factories..
And there is a poor number of 34 citizens working on houses. (of which 21 on Q1 houses and 13 on Q3 houses)

It is easy to figure this is really bad for the progression of overal Irish welfare.
We do not need weapons, whilst houses are the key to stable and good wellness.

I'd like to set up a debate about this issue. Please all company owners of weapon and housing companies respond here.
Best thing would probably be to get in contact using a forum (or irc) as well as msn.

First things first anyways, I say we should try to get the housing industry more centralised. Get all Q1 producers in one company (training company) and upgrade the other Q1 to Q2 (for the future step of going over to Q2 production total)

If you want more explanation just ask, that I find preferable than writing large amounts of texts at random.