Words from the wise...

Day 1,559, 09:01 Published in USA USA by XxBusinessMogulexX

Long time no see people...But here I am today, writing this article because no matter how many fish in
the sea, it feels so empty without me. So what should I write about? I thought of writing a little bit of everything.

So I as a senior citizen of this cruel society, filled with greed and evil, wanted to offer you some dirty tricks that will help you to raise above others and dodge bullets like Matrix, bullets which are mainly shot by evil people who care for no one else beside themselves.


Page 1: Newspapers...
Page 2: Elections...

I'm going to talk about a popular subject:

- Media Mogul, newspaper, subscribers, articles... I think you get my point.

So a lot of people ask me, what is my secret about the newspaper? So folks listen(read) carefully:
In order to create a newspaper that will be read by a lot of people(That automatically gives you votes and subscribers...yayyy), you need to make it available and interesting for those people.

1. Interesting: Never write articles in which you constantly talk(write) about you and your opinion. I personally would read those articles, but I think that the majority, doesn't give a c**p about you and your opinion. So you wanna make the content to be availbale for larger audience and availalbe for everybody.
So that is why, I almost always write about politics, economy, humor...you get my point, more than one subject. And I constantly ask people for their opinion, because they are the readers and they judge.
The other part of interesting is, formatting. Never write articles like a wall of text in which people will get lost and probably read the first 4 sentances out of it. Put some pictures for god's sake.

Second, your newspaper needs style. Yes style.
You need to make a logo, make some banners. Never change your newspaper name every 2 days, because you want to build a brand. For example take my newspaper, it has logo, banners, name which hasn't been changed for a long time. Although I regret the name, I get trolled pretty hard about it. "B.M. Entertainment" people call it, "Blow Me Entertainment", "Bowel Movement Entertainment" etc. So you would want to choose a nice name with small amount of abbreviations xD.

2. Available: Well nowadays, less and less people search the news and read interesting articles, they will probably read the articles which they see in the shouts. So what does that mean?
You NEED friends. You need POPULARITY.

You need to increase your friends list. Go through lists on maxiheals, through party members lists, MU members...I think you get my point, and add a bunch of random people. But don't just add people from your country, add some international friends. In the past, I used to pay people to shout my articles(I still do that sometimes xD). BUT remember, I used to pay them to shout my articles. NOT to vote them nor to sub them. Because buying votes and subs makes you look LAME. So when people see your potential and skills(of course if you have them), they will spread the word. Advertising your paper also works good. Advertise your paper and articles in other newspapers, on forums, IRC etc.

So my tips will save your life(my a$$)... but they are helpful.

Congress elections/elections...

I've noticed something. That this game is getting more and more like real life. People only care about themselves. When it comes to politics, no one gives a s**t about platforms and opinions anymore.
Everybody sells their vote to the person with the highest offer. Honesty and fair play doesn't count anymore. So what fair and honest people need to do? SHOW SOME TEETH. If your opponent is not playing by the book, I don't see a reason for you to play by the book.

"An honest defeat is better than a dirty win. " - Maybe this is true but being a loser all of the time is not interesting right? So this tactic pretty much works in RL too. Show teeth, make an example of somebody and others will fear you. If you you are always a lamb, wolfs will eat you pretty fast my friend. Sometimes we need to be selfish. But everything has it's own limits.

There is always a winner and a loser. Nothing in between. So what do you want to be? You choose. Do you want to feel pity for yourself because of some jerk? NO YOU DON'T! Fight for what's yours. Fight for your beliefs. Set a goal and reach it. And don't let anything to stand on your way. Trust me it feels great. And when you see an opportunity, grab it with both hands, teeth and legs. You won't regret it.


Check out my friend's newspaper:
Meet the Press by portcolumbus

Yeah I know that there are grammar/spelling mistakes, I apologize for that but I'm too damn lazy too look for them and repair them.
B.M. Entertainment endorses:
|The Academy Informer|The American Herald|Eagle Republik|The Economic News|Revolutionary Times|
16 Shells
|Voice of America|Meet the Press|Kooguy's Fire|Falling Down|High Times|FAMOUS|Blasted|

Now go and get drunk...or laid...or both...
