Within the next 3 hours, eNew Zeland Alliance with the eUSA expires

Day 1,995, 03:25 Published in Australia Australia by Marbus

Men and wemen of eAustralia, in the next three hours, eNew Zeland will have its alliance with the eUSA expired. It is therefore important that the president of eAustralia strikes up an alliance with the eUSA.

I call on for the president of eAustralia, irule777, to forge an alliance with eUSA. Take this opportunity now, Mr President, because this potential alliance is very important for the Survial of eAustralia. I plead to you to do this, for the sake of our eCountry.

The time is now to forge an alliance with the eUSA before its too late. We must ally ourselves with the eUnited of America, for a better future, for a better tomorrow, for a better eAustralia.

The time has come, so don't waste this opportunity Mr President!