With sadness, I bring you this article

Day 631, 01:15 Published in Israel USA by Aeroner

A few days ago, Spain accidentally transferred 16 thousand gold to PEACE. PEACE already has a huge gold production, with Hungary clocking in at around 11 thousand gold in their GDP.

Nobody could really tell what would happen to New Jersey and Florida, although it was obvious the other states would soon drop like flies. But still no one could tell what would happen to the beacons of hope, the fortress states of America, especially since there was not much resistance in the minor states. PEACE took those states with minimal opposition. PEACE still has it's stockpile of gold, probably at the same level it was a week ago, maybe even more, judging from Hungary's GDP. Now with this incredible surge from Spain, hope is now dwindling.I do hope American can turn this around, but with every passing day, it seems less and less likely. This could very well be the last month of America's existence.

News, the way it's meant to be said.