Winston L.S Churchill: An Incident Blown out of Proportion

Day 740, 20:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by John Thunscorpe

Winston Churchill--The name on eUK citizens' lips. Many have written articles about how crazy he is. He is all over the news in the eUK. These articles bashing him have gotten much support from the people.

This, however, is not an article about that. It is an article to say that since it has been confirmed by the citizens of eUK that Winston Churchill is greatly disliked by the majority, it is now time to move on. Sure it's the truth, doesn't mean people should go on about it so much!

Though the eUK has been brought together to hate on this man, all we can do now is await his judgment. From the admins? No. He has done nothing wrong which the admins will touch him for. (Though the AJay thing is important I doubt the admins will do much)

Instead, let us shun this man from government positions! If he is going to troll, he should go elsewhere. Hopefully he will have the grace to leave. As here we as a people have no love for him.

So I say: MOVE ON

Things will correct themselves soon.

Making a huge deal out of this is ridiculous.

The whole incident has been blown quite out of proportion by the media.

QOT😨 Do you think Winston Churchill will have the grace to leave?

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p.s Thanks for all the support last article 😃