Winston has left the building

Day 762, 04:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by ben clew

Here in erepublik we have just got a very early Christmas present. Winston has been perma banned.

After trying to enter and infest the RFA due to a massive dwindling of support in the UKRP we have found out that just this morning Winston has been banned for adveritsing external products apparantly and also spam.

But is the last we have seen of his entity. Is it the end of Winston. Or will he embody another famous man in our countries history. Have we got a forever recurring menace on our hands. One things for sure, the next months will be very interesting and we will have to wait to see if his tyranny returns int the eUK.

However, now is a time to celebrate as by far the most annoying person in the eUK is banned forever.


ben clew