Wins for Phoenix in all important battles, Lion King and Varna defended

Day 904, 15:44 Published in Hungary Serbia by andrijagajic

Hi, mates from Phoenix!

Battle of day and probably battle of month May, Serbia defended it's most important region and one of most important regions of whole Phoenix, Liaoning. Lion King is famous because it's high iron region(The only one in Serbia) and if Serbia had lost it, prices of weapons would go even higher. There were just too much Serbian warriors in that war for all other EDEN countries. Hungary and Bosnia helped us very much, too. Hungarians made 417401 damage and were third best country in Phoenix in this war. Thank you Hungary!
In the end, Simba defeted Scar!

Serbian warriors were ready for war and everyone got their rifles:

Serbian army taking photo to remember after great victory:

Serbian Head Quarters:

Celebration of Phoenix:

Bulgarians managed to defend Varna from Romanians in one very interesting battle, with very interesting ending where Bulgaria won in the end, despite losing all the time. Serbia was even very active in this battle , too , despite having to fight in Liaoning. Serbians made 352 044 dmg and were 4th country in defenders by most damage made.

Bulgarian people to fight for there homes.

Now we have very important wars in Limpopo and Western Transdanubia and one less important in Sofia.

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Hope to write soon!