Winners of Writing Contest! (2)

Day 261, 08:02 Published in USA USA by Royamen

I'm reposting the article from yesterday to give the maximum amount of people the opportunity to read it. Expect a fresh article tomorrow.

To all of you who have been faithfully following my writing contest, and to all those who know nothing about it, we have finally reached the announcement of the winners of the first of my writing contests. We already have an entry for my second, but I will not be starting that contest until we have 20 subscribers, so invite your friends to subscribe and listen to me rant every Monday through Saturday, once a day. Thanks to the 15 who already subscribed.

So the moment of truth: After 9 votes, (would definitely like more votes for the next contest) our winner for votes is Emerick with 6 votes. He will be sent 125USD. And our winner for my favorite is Archibald, our current President. I would call upon him to use the money he won to contribute to the cultural edification of the society he has been voted to lead. He will also be sent 125USD.

A meeting of the media club I'm joining will be soon and I will keep you all posted. Also, I'm looking forward to the announcement of the Author Laurette. Please let me know what you as the public want in terms of cultural and media. I was considering my next contests to being more specific such as poetry, prose, Political analysis, etc...tell me your thoughts. Please tell your friends when you read this.

Until Next Time, Royamen