Wind of Change

Day 545, 06:03 Published in Hungary Serbia by Dimitrij Ivanov


- In its large offensive against Ukraine, Hungarian forces ripped through Central Black Earth and Volga and Huns are now entering into practically defenceless Ural. Let us remind you that Ural is last Romanian stronghold in Asia and this operation marks the end of Romanian and ATLANTIS’ presence on this continent. Ural is also the only Romanian high iron region left and the lose of it marks the fall of Romanian Empire.

- Turkey has been hit with a series of rebbelions in Epirus, Thessaly, Ionian Islands, Crete and South District. Greek resistance wars were started by basar_sonmez-a, with financial help from company SONMEZ, while Israeli RW was started by Big Brother. Greek government denies any rumours about involvment of Greece in organization of these rebbelions. Some sources claim that the real organizer of these wars is president Steoks who avoided being impeached by one vote. Rebbelion in Greece does not have a great chance of success but after first couple of hours of fighting in Israel, rebbels have a slight advantage.

- e BiH Army is seriously considering implementing new system to its armed forces. The new system program is called „eBiH Zone Army“ and this program will allow eBiH Army greater mobility and it will drastically lower the time needed to send or recieve an order. Program is based on IRC protocol and it automatically starts when you start a computer (similar to MSN messenger). Program can be minimized to tray and it alerts user of any new order being received. Orders can be send to entire unit or just one soldier. At the moment program is in its Alfa phase but we are expecting its Beta design very soon. Designer of program is mobster1930.

- In this issue of Legionar magazine we present to you one of misterious knight orders of eWorld “Theocratic Holy Army”. THA was formed over three months ago in Swiss teritory and with great help of Portugal. Order is neutral in conflict of great alliances and its members participate in wars only because of ranking. It is organized in 8 divisions but only 7 of them are active. Divisions bare their names by greek alphabet from Alpha to Theta and every division consists of 10 soldiers. Chain of command is pretty simple and consists of only two layers: Soldiers and Commanders. Within the Theocratic Army every Soldiers have the same right, and Soldiers are grouped into Divisions only based on their real power and availability. All the Commanders are in charge of all the Divisions through internal and well planned procedures. In this way the Soldier never needs to contact a Commander: he can always send a PM to his Division and the first Commander available will provide whatever is required.
To be part of the ordinary Theocratic Holy Army it is important to follow certain rules:
- being resident in Switzerland working for Theocratic companies within a specific business model;
- if the Theocratic Army is officially involved in a war, the Soldiers must fight in its support even if the war is against his original Country;
- if the Theocratic Army is not officially involved in a war, the Soldier may ask for a leave to go and fight for the side the Soldier wishes on his own expenses. In those cases, the Theocratic Army may provide also tickets, weapons and gifts on its own discretion if the war may be used for ranking;
- Soldiers do not need to send their activity status because they will be monitored day by day by a team of supervisors. Although, it for some reason the Soldier must be away for certain amount of day it is required to send a PM to its Division (this information is needed to track availability and it will be forwarded to the GM of the Theocratic companies);
- in spite of this a Theocratic Soldiers cannnot be part of another National Army, and 1) he should never fight against the Theocratic Nation, 2) the orders of the Theocratic Army have precedence on everything else, 3) to leave Switzerland the Soldiers must ask for a leave.
Very strict rules make this Order very disciplined and strong and when you see who were and are its members then you really understand its strenght: Colinar, Dio Akira, vegaicm, grizly, mAonK, darkplayer82, rikwandi and many other Marshals and Generals.
Moto of the Order is latin proverb SILENT LEGES INTER ARMA, which means during the war the laws stay silent.


Crete started by basar_sonmez vs Turkey ends 19.05. around 02:30 erep
- Hospital: Q5 = Central Greece, Eastern Anatolia
- Weapon: Q1 = 0.19G, Q2 = 0.47G, Q3 = 0.83G
South district started by Big Brother vs Turkey ends 18.05. around 23:30 erep
- Hospital: Q5 = Central Greece, Eastern Anatolia
- Weapon: Q1 = 0.19G, Q2 = 0.47G, Q3 = 0.83G
Epirus started by basar_sonmez vs Turkey ends 18.05. around 14:00 erep
- Hospital: Q5 = Central Greece, Eastern Anatolia
- Weapon: Q1 = 0.19G, Q2 = 0.47G, Q3 = 0.83G
Ionian Islands started by basar_sonmez vs Turkey ends 18.05. around 14:00 erep
- Hospital: Q5 = Central Greece, Eastern Anatolia
- Weapon: Q1 = 0.19G, Q2 = 0.47G, Q3 = 0.83G
Thessaly started by basar_sonmez vs Turkey ends 18.05. around 14:00 erep
- Hospital: Q5 = Central Greece, Eastern Anatolia
- Weapon: Q1 = 0.19G, Q2 = 0.47G, Q3 = 0.83G


Couple of days ago we were witnesses of an unusual event. Little Ukraine declared war to friendly Russia and took two regions from her Central Black Earth and Volga. The same day little Ukraine declared war to mighty Hungary. And then we realized what was really going on. Hungary ripped through Central Black Earth and Volga and occupies Urals. PEACE is celebrating victoriously. But why did Hungary had to cross over two regions to get to Urals when we have Indonesia bordering it in West Siberia? Couldn’t Indonesia take Urals? Why does it matter who is going to take it when its going to be returned to mother Russia. Or is it going to be returned? Did we made a horrible mistake and by killing one imperialistic monster we unleashed two? Did we instead of one Romania, “the dungeon of nations”, we created two? Can Hungarians and Indonesians handle so much power and can they justify PEACE moto: PEACE AT HOME; PEACE IN THE WORLD?