Win Wednesday: The New National Holiday

Day 933, 17:41 Published in USA USA by Glove
Would you like some theme music?

Citizens of the eUsa,
Yesterday shall now be known as Win Wednesday, I will give a brief recap. Yesterday Russian president HankScorpio attacked Oulu, Finland, Alaska, USA and Inner Mongolia, China, thus creating a massive stack of MPPs against the Russians. Russia is without a doubt doomed, whether or not this whole fiasco was planned is debatable but I personally think it was just a rogue Russian who got upset about congress trying to impeach him. Needless to say, Hankscorpio had all of Phoenix terrified and since then many Americans have declared him a hero. If that wasn't gangster enough, Hank jipped Makso Farlandic out of 732 gold.

Real life photo of Hankscorpio.

Also interesting was an article submitted yesterday in which William Shafer was accused of creating a top secret Russian Mafia designed to destroy the USA. Shafer's response can be found here. I don't know about you guys, but I think that sounds pretty

In addition, there is reason to believe Ostin may be lurking around yet Ostin or Gtfo?

Breaking News: This guy is rage quitting see Guy Rage Quits