Win 50 Gold Contest

Day 1,517, 15:19 Published in USA USA by Pizza The Hut II
Please Vote & SHOUT this article so as many people as possible expose this multi vote fraud!

I am offering a 50 gold bounty to whoever achieves the following objective:

Search through the ranks of New Conservative Party and United States Workers Party and identify 50 multis.

Send these multis to admin in a ticket. Once they are banned and their votes removed from the election you will receive the 50 gold reward.

It is an absolute disgrace when accounts like "Rush Limbaugh II" and "Rick Santorum" which were both born on December 6th and have hardly any experience and this month and last month moved from the USWP to NCP and back simply to PTO our party do not get banned. These are clearly multis, along with scores of other votes.

There is some sort of script which moves large numbers of votes to our party to vote at times where they are NEVER huge surges of votes because of the time of day, and then they all move back and USWP is substantially larger than it was at any point in the recent past. The person(s) responsible for this are pathetic and have to cheat to get what they want. They should be ASHAMED of themselves!

There are a few simple reasons why we, the actual members of NCP, chose Pierce Vaughn over PigInZen.
#1- Pierce Vaughn has earned our trust over many months and has served actively in party leadership and Congressional roles before.
#2- PigInZen is extremely inactive and despite his promises to be an active member of the party, has done nothing the entire month, yet thinks he is entitled to the Party Presidency.
#3- PigInZen attacks me persistently, even in mass PM's to our members, and told me himself that he would choose Henry "Pfeiffer" Arundel over me. This in itself is reason to question how trustworthy he is. It took MANY violations of trust and privacy to remove him from Forum Admin status.

Also, Libertarian Party members, most of you are not very bright, including your outgoing Party President Jamarcus, who endorsed the REAL PTO of the party by Jude Connors and its rebranding to to the "US Marijuana Party" which will effectively bury the Libertarian Party forever.

Keep the faith NCP. We are the Rocky Balboa of eRepublik....