Will we take the opportunity

Day 2,391, 10:12 Published in Australia Chile by Bree K

Game and population changes have been mixed in EAustralia. New players have come and the old have gone. The forum brawling has been ended and a lot of the red tape holding the country down has been expunged. Not all of these were bad things but their presence permitted misuse and that's what hurt the community the most.

We have a president/prime minister interested in player growth and retention on open terms. Our arms have been extended to welcome fresh eyes to the game and change is occurring. Now we need to focus on how to keep them.


It's a game fact that countries without congresses for a long period of time will lose players to others that have them and what they bring. We need to work on toughening up either with war or diplomacy and get a region to hold elections as soon as possible. There's just no point hoping these positive changes will hold without it. I'm sure Claire will point us in the right direction once she has had the chance to wet her new government's feet.

Get citizens in the economy game

Plato has changed the game so much where it's hard for smaller countries to offload goods through an open skies customs system and the resource production of larger country producers gives them the edge to drop their prices on sale. This makes our small asking prices still no where as competitive but unaffordable for producers to drop them any lower. If they do it won't be worth making products and that leaves us at the beggar's door of the international market.

Government can only do so much. The long term success of our citizens and their ability to raise money will come from their achievement in the marketplace as a strong trader. Some kind of economic development program would come in handy much the same way as Hugh and Claire present JDS and other tutorial articles.

Levelling the game and player activities to each other

The greatest achievement in removing the old forums from standard play is bringing all players to a single level focusing on the game itself. Programs can now be tailored to mechanics eg MU vs MU battles.

Creating support not reliance

When populations and support are low with little to keep people active all government funds should be used at the most for a supplement system. Government shouldn't be competing with production managers or military commanders because they don't have the resource gathering capacity or money gov has. Unless players see a future without handouts they will always expect it and it places a great burden on our current and future leaders. It's also a fast way to send the wealthiest contributors to another country when they see public competition that hampers their quest for empire.

Regular census

Going back in time James Rellori and others conducted regular census that took a picture of our citizens not just their name and link. It gave up good data to see how strong our population was behind the screen.

Assess the scoop that matters and sidebar the rest

As a former press minister the hard part was scrolling through what was helpful to print and what shouldn't be printed. Diplomatic blow ups were always a concern because the public wanted to know who was declaring war but obviously can't print things like that that can be avoided or negotiated for max benefit. The job of the foreign minister was to shut doors on our side to open them in other countries while mine was to feed the beast. it is very hard and it can be one of the toughest jobs in cabinet when a government is doing something. In other times it can be boring. not much in between really haha

What's my point to all of this?

We are in a good place in time to do a lot more to shape the country than any other time. EAustralia has the confidence and now it's ready to see real things occur to match the results. It has a prime minister passionate about activity and a new breed of players excited to get a congress and a country back.

It can happen if we use the opportunity.

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