Why you should elect me for congress.

Day 1,615, 21:53 Published in USA USA by Evry

Hello America!

I'm running for congress under the USWP party in Connecticut.

I go there ^

Reason 1:
I do things.
I'm currently one of three CBO directors, Economic Council Chairman, a Lieutenant in the Special Forces, and a Deputy Secretary of State.

This means that I know how things work. I've been advising congress on economic matters for about a year now as part of my position on the Economic Council of which I'm currently the Chairman. I've watched congress throughout this time and I know how it works. I know how things become laws, and I know who's hand to shake and who's back to watch. Me being a CBO Director makes me one of the three people with access to the government's money. I'm partly responsible for every donation and outgoing funding from the country's accounts. As a depSecState I regularly consult with foreign government leaders and have learn a great deal by talking to them and comparing notes on how best to address various international and domestic issues. In addition, as a LT. in the Special Forces (a position very recently given to me), I'm getting more experience in organization and in passing information along to my soldiers as well as feeding information back up to my superiors.

Reason 2:
I have done things.
I have held/continue to hold the following positions listed in the order of when I served in those roles with the most recent roles on top:
Current CBO Director
Current Economic Council Chairman
Current Deputy Secretary of State
Current Lieutenant in the Special Forces
Current Major in the USAF (AirForce)
Former Secretary of State
Former Secretary of Defense
Former XO of the USAF (AirForce)
Former Chief of Staff
Former Secretary of Treasury
Former Congressman
Former Ambassador/Regional Director

As you can see, I have a lot of experience that I can bring to the table. I look forward to applying my expertise in Defense, Foreign Affairs, and Economics to the issues facing congress, and the country at large.

Reason 3:
I know what I'm doing.
As I said above, I know how things work in congress. I've been in congress before as well. I also, for the most part, know what I'm doing. I won't be making rogue proposals like some other congressmen, or accepting bribes for citizenship. I'll follow the rules, and be sure to be as ethical and morally just as possible. I won't mess around like a 30 day old newb. I know what it means to be a congressmen, and how to act like one too.

So, on the 25th, don't vote for the other guys who will either screw it up or not know what they're doing. Vote for experience. Vote for Evry.

I look forward to receiving your votes on election day. I'm running under the USWP banner in Connecticut, my home state.


Deputy Secretary of State
Director of the Congressional Budget Office
Chairman of the Economic Council
Lt. in the Special Forces
Mjr. in the Army