Why you dont love eMalaysia?

Day 1,067, 08:00 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by JuVin

Few days ago, I invited my friend - jjamy to this game. Then on 15 October or day 1060, she was born under my recruitment. Then I checked her profile and found that she was eborn in eUK. Then I asked her why she choose to live in eUK...and her answer is - "becoz I like UK"...and I was speechless.

Well now, I will make you love eMalaysia...

We might not have strong economy as the UK have...
We might not have strong defence as the UK have...
We might not have stable politic as the UK have....

But, eMalaysia have the Malaysian community

Let me introduce some RL eMalaysia people to you
1. ww88 - The eMalaysia Playboy
2. maruko81 - The beautiful eNenek
3. Wingman Hamallee - The PP of PR
4. Prle - The one who like to BBQ ppl in IRC room...lol
5. SatoshiTomiie - The founder of Pokemon Party
6. Buntak Dayung Bluesavvy - The responsible congressman to me
7. Noveras - The person that anti-ereligion + our senior in KSAH
8. Amli Nujhan - An active Malaysian here and congress
9. Zyleris - A female economist here as I know
10. TeMing - A very active Malaysian around
11. CaraMelloNica - Wingman eWife
12. Zhangaina - My eWife
13. GekkoMoria - PR veteran
14. Shyzzzzz - I am not so sure but he is oldie according to his eBirthday
15. Seanlam - Banana King
16. eyex3 - My former respected PP of PR
17. natamhanjing - He oso got 1Malaysia netbook rite...lol
18. Darrenj93 - Taking SPM, wish him good luck
19. Robertpro - Taking exam too...good luck to him
20. pacificocean - Former Harimau Supreme Comander
Offcoz there is still lots of Malaysian community here like Vikta, Munafix, Hiyamoon...
but I lazy to do link ady...and I am sorry if I dint add u to the list.
@jjamy, that the reason why I ask you to come to eMalaysia to take eMY citizenship because eUK only have ang mo(org putih/mat salleh).

So, jjamy and other newbies in eMalaysia...What are you waiting for?
You can add them as your friends, so that they can guide you to a brighter efuture.

JuVin << My link for eMY newbies to add as friend😁