Why you deserve this.

Day 725, 15:06 Published in Israel Israel by BuzzyTheCat

Good evening Israel,

I come to you today as one of the founding fathers of the country, a 2-time president of Israel, a 3 time Israeli MoD, and an 8 time Israeli congressman, but most of all, I come to you tonight disappointed. Those of you who know me will know that I have made it no secrete that I dislike the IWP, but beyond that, I have a hatred for party politics and political parties in general. I however digress.

Do you know why Israel attacked Turkey? Do you know why we even have a war with Turkey to begin with? I will tell you. It is each and every person’s fault that lives in Israel. It is your fault Mr. congressman. It is your fault Mr. IWP voter. It is your fault Mr. uneducated public speaker. It is your fault as a country.

The main problem I see with Israel, is that no one knows what the hell they want. Many months ago, all I heard about was “we need to become friends with Turkey” so Sadeh and I made it a mission to form a MPP and lasting friendship with them. When this was announced, the country ignited in a burst of flame. People from all over the place came crawling out of the woodwork to complain about it. Then, everyone wanted an MPP with Greece because “they are our true friends”. This, despite the fact that everyone with a brain knew, a Greek MPP would give Israel and Turkey a free war. But CJ gave Israel what they wanted, he gave you a Greek MPP AND a free war with Turkey.

Then, much like a high school gym class, the Presidential elections weren’t about ethics, they weren’t about electing the right man for the job, they were a giant popularity contest with Jmath and the IWP. Forget the fact that Swifty was by far the most experienced and deserving candidate, Jmath won because he is “funny in the chatroom” and because he was the IWP candidate. Skill, determination, maturity, experience…they mean nothing to the Israeli citizen. Apparently the only thing that matters is popularity and having an IWP tag next to your name in elections.

Israel has now lost its treasury three times, it has undertaken horrible business choices (a moving ticket company? Are you freaking serious?) It has elected trolls, imbeciles, and children to its leadership positions, it has thrown its neutrality out the window in search of a poorly organized, feeble mobile military, but most of all, Israel as a country is doomed because of its citizens. This could easily be solved by strong leaders in political parties, in the congress, and at presidency, but because of the things I already mentioned, there aren’t many. Back when INM was started, I made no secrete that I really didn’t care what “everyone wanted” I stated I would choose candidates based on skill and experience, and to hell with what the general public begged for. Well Israel, let me tell you something. You need to elect a leader who is strong enough to tell you as citizens to shut up and sit down. You need leaders who despite what the “mouth of the hour” is screaming about, does what needs to be done for the good of the country.

This situation is no ones fault except your own. It is because of you the citizens, the IWP, the popularity contests, and the general fickle mindedness of Israel that you will now be destroyed.

You have all made your beds; it is now time to lay in them