Why We Need A Minimum Minimum Wage

Day 3,909, 08:02 Published in Ireland Estonia by LarssonKaisa

I am writing to every citizen of Ireland regarding another upcoming proposal to reduce the minimum wage from 340IEP to 0.01IEP. Personally I felt the change to a 340 IEP minimum wage was a pointless move and mere political scoring. I wish to ask you to vote YES to a minimum wage of 0.1 IEP for numerous reasons:

1) Minimum wage does not affect 99% of citizens, higher wages are always on the market and at the time of writing this message are over 200IEP higher than the minimum wage of 340 IEP.

2) The number of 340 IEP was chosen as it was this amount required to purchase a Quality 1 house a week. As mentioned in the last point, higher wages are available to those wishing to purchase a house. As well as that, at current market rates, a weekly wage of 340 IEP can no longer cover the costs of Quality 1 house. These two points show the market controls itself and government intervention is not advised.

3) The lower the minimum wage, the lower the average wage. At time of writing the average wage has risen by 2% since we brought in the 340 IEP Minimum Wage. This means that the cost to Work as Manager has increased. This affects employers as well as self producers as it is now more costly to produce goods - higher costs means higher prices and as a result, cost of living rises. This has a negative effect on ALL CITIZENS.

4) The 340 IEP minimum wage only adds barriers to business. Many business owners strike deals with employees to pay them in terms of production rather than a salary (communes as well as private deals). The maths behind this becomes more complex only adding a strain. On top of this, workers can still work for a minimum wage of 0.01 IEP but they must then take employment from another countries job market. This means their Irish employer must establish a holding elsewhere at a cost of 10,000 IEP minimum. Again - this only makes the process more complex and costly to employers.

5) A lower average wage attracts more business to establish their base of operation within Ireland due to the low Work As Manager tax. This collectively can result in a larger tax income at the expense of foreign nationals and not Irish producers.

As outlined above, a lower minimum wage results in lower taxes and prices for goods for all Irish citizens. It gives citizens greater freedoms in choosing a method of work/pay that suits their needs. The current rate of 340 IEP provides zero benefit to any citizen as it's introduction is completely fabricated based on a figure that is highly susceptible to change. This is evident in the 3 weeks since the 340 IEP Minimum Wage was introduced, the price of a Q1 house rising by 70 IEP (projected to rise further) as well as the average wage rising by 7IEP (a 2% growth).

I also intend to establish an Irish Army Commune but the current minimum wage adds a massive barrier.

In conclusion, I ask you to VOTE YES TO A MINIMUM WAGE OF 0.01 IEP to provide citizens with a greater choice in their own private affairs.