Why We Fight

Day 1,111, 23:45 Published in Canada Canada by Alexander Rearden

I posted this article in the Summer of '09, when we faced oblivion. I repost it with a few updates.

What is War in eRepublik?

There are no mangled corpses.

There are no worried mothers waiting for the knock on the door.

Quite simply there is no death.

What do we risk in war?

We still consume our one food a day, we still can train, we still can produce our weapons in war.

We have one thing at stake, only one.

Our Identity

WE fight for the right to call ourselves eCanadian. WE fight for the right to define who we are, what we stand for and what kinda of nation we want to live in.

If this great nation falls under the specter of foreign oppression, we stand to lose the one thing that the might admins did not protect with lines of code. Our eCanadian Identity and the pride the comes with seeing that little flag under your name.

We must set aside our petty feuds, factions and parties, and rally behind our flag. We fight for the right, no the HONOR of calling ourselves eCanadians.

THAT is why we fight.

eCanada, The True North Strong and FREE!

- Alexander Rearden