Why vote Jefferson Steelflex for RfC Party President?

Day 324, 14:42 Published in USA USA by Jefferson Steelflex

So maybe you are still undecided on who to vote for for RfC Party President.
You should by now be aware of the three major candidates for PP. ThisGenMedia, Desertfalcon, and myself, Jefferson Steelflex.

Let me make my case to you. (please comment and vote this article and subscribe)

First of all, as Mayor of Sacramento and Congressman, I have recent pertinent government experience and strong ties to this party. Without this party, I could not have done as well as I have in eRepublik. It was with the encouragement and support of my fellow party members that I was persuaded to stay in Sacramento and change this city.

I am the only RfC Party Member who holds TWO official government positions. And I owe it to the support of my party.

I have a committment to activity IN GAME and on the forums and IRC. However, I believe the first and foremost channel of communication is in game. Most players especially newbies have no idea how to access IRC or the eUSA forums, which are great resources for discussion, but no way to recruit new members. In game promotion is the only way to expand our ranks. Through various programs such as mass PMing, party-owned gifting programs, partnership with business to find jobs, and various other forms of monetary and informational assistance, we can expand and retain our numbers and increase our overall activity that even with less members, in the GE we can challenge USWP and the Libertarians for votes.
Also, we should work with smaller center-right parties to encourage them to vote for us in the General Elections. Considering that their party is not on the ballot, we can make deals with these smaller parties to possibly form coalitions to oppose the two majors and have them vote for us in exhange for giving them a seat or two in congress they would otherwise not have.

As a matter of party platform, I personally oppose aggressive warfare and the printing of excess money. However, I plan to write a new platform for the party based on input from all members old and new. A sort of party convention like the USWP has. This idea has seemed to be popular among both myself and other candidates. My overall goal for the party is to be the largest in eUSA. We can achieve this through the means I have proposed above. We could probably do it within 2-3 months if we can capitalise on all the new members come V1. We simply have to find them first! A way to do this is expand the Welcoming Committee to include the Regional system Ron Paul proposed. We should have members do their part in the region finding new members and actively engaging them with regular correspondence.
We should in addition, list all Party Officers on the party's homepage so new members know who to contact.
I do think that we need a regular Party Newsletter (maybe once a week) managed through either an SO newspaper or sent through PM to all members to update people on happenings and keeping people aware of what is going on. This will create a sense of community and prevent defection to other parties.
Open channels of in game communication between party leadership and low level members is the key to retaining membership activity.

Now is the most important time in RfC History. We are faced with a tough decision.
Shall we make simple cosmetic changes and use the same tried old ways of recruitment which has led to mild growth and at time stagnation? Or shall we think of new ways to increase activity and bring a real bond between RfC members and make this party much more social and have new ways to make the game more enjoyable for new players?
I may not be the perfect candidate. I may not have the level of experience that some people have, but my recent accomplishments are strong and they speak for themselves.

Any questions feel free to PM me or send me a personal private e-mail to nittiballhogger@yahoo.com
As Party President I will take suggestions for all members seriously. We need to come together now as there is dissent within the party for valid reasons. We should not let this tear us apart. We have the numbers, we need to grow them.

Please, tomorrow, October 10th Vote for Jefferson Steelflex for RfC Party President
New Leadership for eRepublikans for Change. Strong Values and Active Membership.