Why Vote ANP

Day 1,100, 21:33 Published in Australia Australia by Savonrepus

I know we love our freedom along with the lutz but without an element of responsiblity your freedom is lost.

Vote for a party that stand for nothing and what do you get - nothing - the chance for a select few to grandstand and then when they have to stand up for responsiblity they run away.

Vote for a party that wants to promise the world - fully funded army - unlimited jobs in GFCs and you get someones dream that fade into obivion. Wake from that dream and you find the economic mess left by those asleep at the wheel that allowed this country to be PTOed.

Right now we need to focus on nation building - new citizen monitoring and rebuilding a framework so that we can again have a strong country.

Only the ANP can deliver not just promise. If you want a strong country so that we can enjoy ourselves as we approach the festive season - send a message to our leaders -

This time Vote ANP.