Why Vikta is your guy

Day 560, 12:45 Published in Malaysia Sweden by Gustavius

In 2 days we will have our fifth presidential election, and just like last time we will have 2 candidates and just like last time, the candidate will be the same. We will see Vikta, our current president, go up against Nagyzee, our current vice president.

I personally can be proud to declare my support for Vikta as president, as I think that Malaysia needs not only a guy with a great mind and a good sense for such important areas as economy, politics and foreign affairs, but also a guy who understands the Malaysian language, Bahasa Melayu, and a guy which have fought for Malaysia since its young and early days.

I can not talk about what Vikta will do as the president if he continues, but I'm sure and without doubt sure that Vikta will continue to lead Malaysia in to the future and continue to guide Malaysia to an increased population, activity and strength. The last month have been dominated by a strengthened activity, independence, economy and foreign connacts. Also we have during this month gained a brand new Croatian Q5-hospital. (with great thanks to Roby Petric and all people involved in this project, a special thanks from the military)

But now, the election in 2 days you must think, you must figure out who suits you best and who are best for you and your choice, Nagyzee or Vikta? I know where my vote shall be put and I hope that you will see that I can see in this election.

Support Vikta for a progressive Malaysia
And ohh, btw: You need to know some non-election stuff...
1. Malaysia have a national forum which you should join, and you can find it here.
2. Malaysia have an IRC which can be rather noisy and such, but it can be great fun sometimes also with guests both from Malaysia and other nations, you can find it [url=irc://irc.rizon.net/erepublik.my]here[/url]
3. Malaysia have an army called Tentera Darat Malaysia, I would like to recommend you to join is as soon as possible, for futher information look here and here.

The minister or Defence Gustavius - Perhaps out on a walk...