Why to play this game anymore? (edit)

Day 1,650, 14:16 Published in Croatia Croatia by Olivaneksa

The answer is simple. Friends.

Maybe we're not the strongest country, maybe we don't have 100/100 bonuses, but what we have is heart and pride!

I wanted to leave this game few times but because of these things you just can't say no!
Croatia has only one region? Who cares, regions aren't most important thing in this game.

This night Tuljani had an action in Plovdiv. The battle was won by Turkey, standings are looking like this:

Thank you my friends for showing what is most important in life, thank you on everything you do for us, thank you on giving us the reason why to play this game!

And then tonight, again one epic thing. More than 500 people on one channel with only one objective: conquer Sofia! I hope some scenes will finish up on Youtube! It would be sad to miss action like this one! Come and join: http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/28095 o7

Hail Turkey!
Hail Croatia!
Hail Brotherhood!