Why The War, We Learn! From Ireland...

Day 569, 15:53 Published in USA USA by livingabroad

Today I'll let you in on why Ireland attacks us, a follow up on yesterday's article!

The most basic question as to why they were attacking us was simple, this is a game, it isn't a real war. Thus it must be that they wouldn't go around attacking Rhode Island for that reason alone, on top of that they gain military ranking and an economic boost. Nithraldur the President issues out messages on the scheduling of another war, see here.

Something I didn't know, but I guess I should have, we are paying for the war, so Ireland is willing to keep it up till the end of time. As soon as we stop paying, they'll stop. Quoting nith's artilce "feel free to train in the war games". As for what "Priority Mail" was being sent to inboxes, well we'd have to be Irish.

As for a more fun scoop, they claim to have "unsure" relations with England. But despite that they won't ever invade them, which was a slight let down. That's your daily tidbit on our war, for those that couldn't figure it all out themselves.

My source: Nithraldur, the President of Ireland.