WHY THE DAL IS THE BEST (me coming back into media with a BANG)

Day 842, 13:26 Published in Canada Canada by nucksalltheway

Alright, i am going to try and come back into the media aspect of the game, I am planning on at least bi-weekly articles. And if my titles are outrageous please read before you form your opinion. They will be on whatever they are, random things with some importance, on issues or any ideas i may have.

The DAL is the best eCanadian party.....why?? we have our own NHL team. The Dallas Stars. Abbreviation is DAL, so there we go, sure they are not the top, but we have our own team, and no other eCanadian party does, now don't go change your names party presidents.

NUCKSALLTHEWAY, coming back into the media world with a bold bang statement
(my articles in no way reflect the views of the DAL, CAF or any other organization, they are MY views, and no one else's)