Why the Bros should be the third alliance

Day 861, 22:40 Published in Australia Australia by FallbackPants

This article has been inspired by a point raised by my Yankee mate CivilAnarchy in a campaign speech of his for President (here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/platform-updates-1278758/1/20)

This is not a political call for the withdrawal from EDEN. I've long been against superalliances but accepted them as a nessecary evil. This is just a reason why three or more powerful alliances is better for the game as a whole.

In the past few months EDEN has clearly been on the top of the super alliances dog pile. Sure its lost some battles, but realistically everytime the alliance has worked together its spanked Phoenix.

America's withdrawal from EDEN provides the New World with an opportunity we haven't had for a long time - a chance for a multi-polar system.

A multipolar system (for those of you who may not know international relations theory) is a system with three or more powers, reletively evenly matched. Historically its occured in Europe until around the industrial revolution. Generally it means more fighting, and shifting coalitions between the alliances.

In game terms, more outrage, more betrayal and more fun. Meaning higher activity and greater player retention.

Despite its detractors the US is still one of the major powers in the world. It has a powerhouse economy, hundreds if not thousands of active players and a military feared world over.

With the US at the heart of an expanded Brolliance, both EDEN and Phoenix will have a major rival. Canada is nothing to be sneezed at and Ireland and Australia are both up and coming countries in vital strategic positions.

Not to mention that Australia and Canda alone will control four regions of titanium in V2. Hello giant brolliance tank and helicopter army!

Obviously the Bros would need to be bigger than these four countries to pose a real threat but I'm not a MoFA here, just a dude with a paper.