Why taxes are high.

Day 468, 16:54 Published in USA Singapore by Charles Martel

Everyone's heard about the new tax plan that will raise taxes across the board. This money is supposed to fuel the US military and Uncle Sam's new Meals on Wheels program. Actually, I agree with them that taxes should be high. Taxes have gradually risen over time, and soon most countries will end the liberal vs. conservative struggle in RL. The liberal parties of the world will gradually grow in power, because in erepublik, good taxes are a good thing. Your own money does nothing but help get you more money. They only thing you can use it on is helping your country. Unless anyone wants to see politics go down the drain as the conservative parties die off, the admin needs to make some changes.

Anyone who doubts the weakness of the conservatives, look at Desertfalcon. He recently tried to unite conservatives based on RL principles. In erepublik, that's about the only that unites them. The backlash against his arguments were huge. He will lose big in the elections coming up, further proving my point.

The admin needs to get people angry about taxes. I don't see the 20% or whatever I'm losing to VAT or income tax or sales tax. Most people don't mind high taxes, so here's what they should do to help the conservative arguments:
1. Add in a donation tax. "What?!!! I'm donating $10, and I have to pay $1 in tax?" You see the donations you make. This tax is like the inheritance tax, something that gets people angry.
2. Make taxes hurt. Have it say how much you pay in tax every time you buy something, or work.
3. Add in a company tax. Every five days, companies have to pay x% of sales-costs. If they can't pay this, enough inventory is put on sale at the lowest market price to cover what couldn't be paid.

These taxes would increase revenue for the government in the short run, but they will give the conservatives an arguement in the long run. These taxes will balance the scales and decrease revenue in the long run, as some people (not all) once again demand lower taxes.I am a liberal in RL, though I see the basis of the lower taxes argument. In erepublik, there is no reason to have lower taxes except "conservative principles". In RL, I would like to see the republican party collapse. But in erepublik, I want to see a strong conservative party play a role in this game.

Last, I would like to say that I have many more ideas not yet published, and you should subscribe, so you don't miss any of them.

EDIT: I personally believe that the game favors high taxes. However, even if you do not believe this, conservatives in RL have the people who are angry at paying high taxes on their side. This group is pretty much nonexistant. Without them, conservatives are struggling in erepublik. Regardless of whether high taxes are good or bad, the conservatives are at a disadvantage compared to RL, and because of this, they cannot compete. This results in higher taxes.