Why Spain will fail again and again

Day 740, 05:24 Published in Spain France by yopp

The Spanish headquarters planning an invasion

One of my favourites TV show says "All this has happened before and will happen again", and I think that it is also true if we want to tell about spanish fails on eRepublik.

Spain is one of the richest countries in gold in the games, but it is probably the poorest one in bravery. Actually, if it was a rugby game, we could say that Spain has no balls to play it, but of course we don't play rugby.

Rich nation, poor leaders, hopeless army fearing the Great French Divisions of our President Marshall Lyne Petain, even if we know that the french army is disbanding thanks to our congress new stupid rules, even if we know that France has weapons stocks to defend Aquitaine... for one day, even if we know that if Aquitaine is taken, France will fall since one third of its population and companies is there... Yeah I can't prevent myself from being admiring when I see the great lucidity of the spanish leaders and intelligence services.

Yes, the erepublik Spain is probably the greatest old people's home, the best "don't do anything and watch soap on the TV" nation, after France of course. Don't you see that we are laughing at you beyond the Pyrenees ? We're laughing at poor Spain fearing our great power, the great french superpower, the nice, cool, peaceful, effeminate Spain.

But don't worry, we do not fear you, and one day you'll experience it again ; we'll have Asturias back in our country, enough population to do it, and you will beg your right to exist ! 🙂

An anonymous French congressman.