Why no one has the society builder acheivement.

Day 458, 18:36 Published in USA Singapore by Charles Martel

When I first started on erepublik, I realized that the best way to make money was to invite people to erepublik. My first thought was "If I invite 20 people, about 15 will join, and 10 will get to level 6, getting me 55 gold!" They admin has made sure it is profitable to do so. However, they have made many mistakes that completely ruin the system.

I have invited over 30 people to erepublik. 8 people have joined. 4 have made it to level 6. 2 didn't use the link I sent them. I got 5 gold for inviting Alonso Ford and getting him to level 6. 1 person, Sonodake, did use the link, and he is level 11 now, but I still have not got 5 gold for inviting him. I sent two complaints to the admin, and I have gotten no response yet. Sometimes people don't even get invites. The whole system is flawed.

No one invites others to erepublik because the whole thing is so overwhelmingly complicated to begin with, invited people get to level 6, and it's too much effort to get them there. 3 people I invited already had heard of it and made accounts, but their wellness was near zero and they didn't think it would be fun to join again.

Here's what I propose the admin should do to fix the invite system, in order of most to least important:
1. When someone joins, there is a place to put the name of a citizen who invited you. You no longer HAVE TO click on the link.
2. Why make people get to a certain level to have unlimited invites? Give everyone unlimited invites.
3. You get 5 local currency just when a friend joins. This will encourage new players to form local communities that will help each other out and keep each other interested in the game.
4. Allow the president of a country to post a "Welcome" article that stays up permanently on the home page of everyone in their country, so new people can get info easily. I've seen dozens of very helpful "Welcome" and "For New players" and "Help" articles, but the problem is that they only stay up for two days. When I joined two months ago, it took two weeks before I found a welcome article.
5. You can erase your old account to start another one twice per email address. This gives people a second chance to join the game if they weren't interested the first time. No one would want to come back to a dead citizen.

I have many more ideas, but they are the king you find in articles that aren't really practical and are too complicated, unnecessary, and hard to implement. My point is that their is little attractive to new players and there isn't much we can do about it. We need to encourage old players to get new players and make it easier for new players to be absorbed into the community.