Why join ESO? From a person perspective

Day 1,289, 12:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by stockyrocky310597

Our party banner, you'll have probably seen it before

So why join ESO? Well, mainly because it is a good and friendly party. Now I've got to explain why (nice and easy)

ESO may not be the biggest party, we have 118 members where as UKRP have 155 and the TUP have 239 (all correct as of time of writing). However, when I first started Erepublik, I joined TUP. However, I felt rather left out and ignored, but then ESO was created.

Little button. It's like the red button game, pisses you off and does nothing

I was so fed up of feeling left out I join ESO after looking at what they believed it. I joined the IRC chat and suddenly felt welcomed into the party. It was a party which did what it set out to do, but in their own way. Not going "we are doing this, this way" but going "we are doing this, but we're going to have fun along the way".

They also treat all people fairly. I ran for congress for my first time with ESO and I got 8 votes (only missing out by one), even though it was my first time running. This is why you should join ESO.

ESO Member and Proud

Some of us do this daily