Why join ESO?

Day 1,279, 08:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by stockyrocky310597

What is special about the ESO? Why join the ESO? I will attempt to answer these important questions by quoting directly from the party constitution.

Our party banner

ESO ~ The party above politics

With this constitution, ESO will set out a structure that will seek to ensure that in the future, the party is not dragged into the personal grievances or contests that dominate the political landscape of the UK, and have done so for some time.

Section 1 ~ Mission Statement
ESO will remain a party which is above the mundane politics which have plagued our country, whilst being below the members from which every party attains their true power. ESO will remain a party dedicated to the interests and progression of its members, not itself.

Seems like a simple, yet hopelessly complex goal for a party. How do we do this?

Section 2 ~ Independence
ESO will remain a sovereign party. At no point will a binding agreement be made with another party in the top 5. The decisions of the party will always be made by democratic polling of members, with the party president responsible for presenting an unbiased and purely factual summary prior to each vote.

So we start by remaining free to pursue ESO matters (decided by ESO members) without having to check with any 'alliance' in which squabbles always come up with each party in an alliance putting their goals first and thinking the other parties exists to serve them.

Section 3 ~ The members
All members will be judged as equal, regardless of their stature, history or ambitions. IRC and forum activity will not be used to discriminate between members.

So.. all members that want to take part in the running of the party only have to remain active and... make an effort to take part. That is almost too easy.

Section 4 ~ The party structure
Each month the party will elect a party president in line with the game mechanics. There will be no “preferred” candidates, and those seeking (re)election will have to gain the support of the party on their own merits. Upon election, A party president will be expected to appoint a vice party president who will cover the role in any instances of inactivity, or take over should an impeachment occur.

Section 5 ~ Impeachment proceedings
Any member can propose an impeachment of the party president. For proceedings to begin, 10% of the party must sponsor the motion. A motion will pass if 50% of the party votes, and 66% of those votes are in favour of impeachment.

Individual members can be impeached in the same manner, although a motion will only require a simple majority to pass.

Section 6 ~ Elections
Party presidents will be responsible for opening applications for congressional elections to both party members, and any members of non top 5 parties. Party members will be given first refusal, with non-members being allocated seats after each party member has been placed. Applications will be opened by the 14th, and close on the 20th. The final lists should be published and effectively communicated to the party by the 22nd of each month.

Presidential elections will begin with the party allowing its own members to put themselves forward on the 26th of each month. Should no party members come forward, the party president is responsible for compiling a list of the other parties candidates by the 28th. A discussion period of 24 hours will take place from the time the list is published and communicated to all members, but must be concluded before the end of the calendar month. The first poll will be held on the 1st of the month at the latest. For a candidate to win the poll, a minimum of 33% of the active party population must support them, or a minimum of 50% of the responding party members. Should no candidate satisfy these conditions, the party president is duty bound to create a second poll, with the top two candidates from the first poll. To win this poll, a candidate must receive 66% of all votes cast. Should no candidate satisfy this, the party will not support any candidate, and the party president will nominate themselves, and set no campaign goals. The setting of the official candidate for the party, or for the official support for another candidate, must be concluded at least 12 hours before the in-game deadline of 8am on the 3rd of the month.

Section 7 ~ Amendments to the Constitution

For a formal amendment to be considered by the party, it must be sponsored by 15% of the party. It will then be put to a vote, where 50% of the party must respond to the poll. The poll results must also attain a 66% majority in favour of the amendment. The party president will retain a veto over any amendment which they judge to be incompatible with sections 1 to 3 of the constitution.

And then a structure is put in place to make leaders accountable to party members... so if a party president were to decide to suddenly change party orientation 'as a joke' and promiseto change it right back, then not do it for a week, they could get impeached and the party VP would take over all forum matters, and the PP would be a 'lame duck' knowing they were about to be voted out for not properly representing the party... what a novel concept.

So in truth, the ESO truly holds to it's stated ideals... the simple fact that Every Single One of us matter.

Join today: Join ESO here

Thank you for reading.


ESO Member, and proud

We do enjoy a joke at ESO