Why is France going to War with Switzerland?

Day 172, 11:25 Published in Sweden France by Cicero

Dear Friends,

As most of you now know, we are going to attack Switzerland tomorrow. I wanted to spend a few minutes going through the reasons why we felt it was necessary to declare war to our neighbours.

A few weeks back, we approached Switzerland to join our alliance. We were turned down by their government who assured us they had nothing against us but wanted to keep their neutrality. Considering their history of neutrality, we accepted their rejection and moved on with our baguettes, our croissants and our women.

When we read in the papers last week Switzerland had signed a protection pact with Norway, well, we felt raped. So obviously, our reaction was immediate: we contacted our friends and decided to attack Switzerland, eat their chocolate, spend their Gold, and rape their women (just the pretty ones).

They wanted to be neutral? They now will be neutered.

Friends of France, I call you all to join our battle tomorrow. Norway has decided to send troups to Switzerland to protect their pets, well we will retaliate with everthing we have (including wine and petits fours)

Please join us, let's give them the peace they want.

They will eat sand,

