Why I support Dominik

Day 502, 14:04 Published in Canada Canada by Jacobi

By Jacobi,
Chairman of Carpenter Industries (CI Grain, CI Foods, CI Homes)

I'm a businessman here, plain and simple. I argue, agitate, and advocate on behalf of the Canadian businessman or woman primarily because I believe that Canada's present condition demands a strong domestic economy. It is my primary interest in the game and the reason I am so absorbed in the fate of eCanada and a leader to whom the economy and its fortunes is a top priority is a leader I can get behind.

I am also a strong, ardent, democrat. Perhaps if I had joined the game 6 months ago, developed contacts during V1 and allowed myself to become a part of the Old Guard I would think differently, but I do not. I am a boomer, the members of my generation are not particularly well enfranchised, and my opinions and beliefs are shaped from that view point. I do not believe in continuing status quo's because "that's the way they have always been" and I do not believe in supporting institutions and leaderships that have become accustomed to tradition because I myself am not a part of that tradition.

I am not a member of the CAF, so I do not possess the near institutional loyalty that I have seen many CAF members on IRC display.

I was against the subversion of democracy in the Congressional elections.

I was against the Duncan reforms of the CAF, which cost me hardworking and active employees.

I have been disappointed in the government's inability to keep its citizens in the loop, the transparency of many government organizations still completely lacking.

I am for Canadian citizens participating in battles....any battles, regardless of what the numbers say, because battles improve our nations experience and wellness. There are ideal situations where we might be able to train in war games with our allies, but if our options are only to attack France or nothing, I say that we must for our nations future attack France.

Our options are very stark and select this election. There are only two choices, or two brands to choose from. There is a honorable man, the current Prime Minister, who has displayed in his campaign that he stands for the status quo: A Canada with little influence and a middling future, proud perhaps, but unimportant.

And then, there is Democratic Action League President Dominik, the choice of many larger political parties than his own. Dominik in the past two elections has shown remarkable intelligence and vision as to where Canada needs to go to grow. Where Canada can obtain more and renewed activity, and how Canadian business can compete in the global market. Dominik provides the solutions that Canada needs to take its place in eRepublik, and his election will be essential for Canada to break the status quo.

I urge people today to make a choice and decision for Canada's future, to embrace change, and to select a leader that can take the Old Guard and Boomers alike to a more prosperous and powerful Canada. That choice is Dominik, and I hope that he can have your vote as he has mine.