Why I resigned from Widds' Cabinet.

Day 941, 19:56 Published in Australia Australia by infin

FURTHER UPDATE: I have been found not guilty by the Inspector-General. Freedom lives for another day.

In eAustralia we have some basic ground rules about how we go about running government. One of the fundamental rules which helps maintain a smooth relationship between the Senate and the PM is the monthly budget.

The PM cannot do business without the Senate because the PM needs the Senate to approve monthly money prints and transfers from Treasury. So the PM brings to the Senate a budget of expenditure each month and it is approved (usually) by the Senate and the PM is expected the stick to this budget so Aus doesn't go broke. So it is needless to say very important that the PM sticks closely to the budget in order to maintain TRUST with the senate. Once this TRUST is damaged it can be hard to restore.

Yesterday it came to my attention that approximately 1800g this month has been spent to fund EDEN tanking operations. Now this month's budget provided for 750g in EDEN tanking operations. So in essence the PM has incurred 1000g in expenditure which has not been authorised by the Senate.

This is simply not on. These funds are spent by an agreement between the Senate and PM. This is a long respected tradition which is has been summarily disregarded on a whim by Prime Minister Widds. This was not the PM's decision to make - Widds is permitted to spend funds which have been allocated by the budget. This is an improper use of money which has not been appropriated by a Senate Budget.

I don't have a problem with funding EDEN - they help us, we help them but it is done within the confines of our budgetary procedures. The budget ensures we do not live beyond our means as a country.

Secondly, when I raised this matter in the public section of the senate it was quickly moved to sensitive even though there is no sensitive information at all. I am not happy with the way we as a government have gradually been shifting all discussion to the sensitive forums under the guise of Anti-PTO or ATO or whatever you want to call it.

My career as a politician started off by watching those in power and learning the rules. Many of the PM's during my earlier terms simply had no concept of Rule of Law or accountability - and they snubbed the Senate as an annoyance. But during the period of Xavier Griffith, the Senate and Cabinet reached a very high level of trust and respect to the point where I felt confident that I could serve in the Cabinet and not be conflicted. XG has been the high water mark for Prime Ministers in this country.

This recent action by Prime Minister Widds just takes us back to the bad ol' days where the person with the passwords to the bank just spends the money as they see fit. That is not what politics is about. It is about trust and sharing information, it is about follow processes and not cutting corners. I am sorry if that frustrates you but that's life.

I cannot in good conscience be part of a Cabinet which disregards the rule of law so I have resigned effective immediately. We have a budget law in Australia, stick to it and KEEP YOUR HANDS OUT OF THE TILL.

Senator for Queensland