Why I No Longer Support The Church

Day 268, 10:57 Published in Japan Singapore by Ice_Freeze

The 1st Holy Church has taken upon it's 1st Pope. The Cardinal of Iran Miladmzz. Recently Miladmzz has been ban because of his actions. I will not get into this, for this is not the purpose of the this article nor anything he should be ashamed of.

As I look into this "ereligion" more and more I find it nothing more then a cult. But is that really a bad thing? I mean the biggest cult ever in real life is now the biggest real life religion there is (Christianity). But here I find no potential for this cult. Which only leaves Dioism. But doesn't the same apply there? I'm not really sure, for Dio has never answered a pm from me, and it seems that it is more hated by the world then not. I won't really get into it here for this is not about Dioism.


So this nameless ereligion (unless you call The 1st Holy Church a real name of a religion but I do not) this just there to hate Dioism. (What? How can that make sense? This ereligion is there for the purpose of helping people in times of good and bad! Or is it just there so people won't become a "Dio"?)


Make more ereligion! And more importantly I want everyone to notice the "E". For this is not real life and I feel that you can ebelieve differently then you believe in real life.


1. I was never "really" a support of the church
2. I think the Cardinals are still good people
3. Isn't Dio big in Iran and the middle east? Would it not make sense to have the Pope live there?
4. Will edit
