Why I'm choosing PANAM.

Day 1,184, 11:27 Published in Norway USA by graduallynevele

I've been thinking this over a lot, lately, and I think it's about time for me to head out of Norway and head home to the United States. Alliances have been shifting, as have loyalties. Norway's yet to move toward one way or another, although with our Polish (and Spanish) ties, I can see the NWO becoming a Norwegian reality.

I'm excited for the changing political landscape: I've found myself rooting for Br[o]zil, against Spain, despite homebound orders; I see France moving to block Serbia from the UK and feel the need to fistpump and yell "Yesssss;" and the recent accidental Polish proposal of the United States as Natural Enemy had me on the edge of my seat. My inclination against Serbia overpowers my love for Spain, but I don't mind too bad switching for Argentina as my Spanish-speaking love.

I feel I can get much more involved into the game, again, if I returned to Washington, rejoined the Airborne (101st, darlin'), and continued to hit, hard, against Serbia and Hungary.

Argentina, Brazil, Turkey, France, Canada, Japan, the United States.

PANAM, soon to be renamed.

These are the nations that have previously felt abandoned by allies in the major alliances. America and Canada (although less so), by EDEN; Brazil was never seen as the superpower they are; France had a skirmish with PEACE/Phoenix during the Spanish-Polish invasion; Argentina's flip-flopped, and Turkey has been left to the dust of Greece a multitude of times.

Croatia and Romania, both, have also been moving towards the PANAMerican sphere.

In a brolliance-fashioned style, America netted other nations together into a formitable opponent to the NWO. There's a sense of community that doesn't spark too much outburst among each other.

It's still young, though, like the NWO. Poland, Spain, America, and Canada still share a ton of MPPs: If one attacked another, chaos would ensure that the attacker would lose without sufficient funding.

With EDEN still kicking, a lot of nations are on the bounds of the two newborn formations, and a lot has still yet to be done. I'm going to jump on the bandwagon, soon.

And with that, it's been a fun ride, eNorge. In my free time, I'll be sure to still pop on IRC a lot and say hello. 😉

I'm glad to have served you all.

With love,