Why I left the USWP and Congress

Day 484, 00:44 Published in USA USA by SirChaos

Hello Everyone,
I understand many of you may or may not agree with my actions or may take personal offense with what I might say here, but I wanted to get my feelings out on paper of what transpired earlier today.

Yesterday, I was the Senator of New York into my first term, learning the ropes, voting and keeping my door open to my fellow citizens of New York and my first party (the USWP.) I would visit the eUSA Forums daily, enter my voting record and read what was going on.

Well, how quickly some things change.....

The party (that I have always been of member of since joining eRep) decided to select someone else to represent New York in the upcoming elections....that part is fine with me....but it's HOW that decision was made is what sets me off.

First....my opponent Citizen Dru of the last election lost....and he lost by a large margin. Knowing that he would have a huge uphill climb, he decided to contact the USWP Party President ProggyPop and make some accusations about my perfomance as a congressman in New York, and suggesting to them that HE would make a better choice then me. So...instead of the party president coming to me...talking with me about it....they decide to let someone else...WHO JUST JOINED, my seat to run.

While everyone says in the USWP that I was not active, I was. Stating my voting record and going through procedural votes on donations to Fort Knox and some tax adjustments. In this session, there was not much to talk about to be honest, and to say I was not active, is simply not true.

In any case, what was done here was completely underhanded and disrespectful to me. Instead of someone from my party coming and talking to me (my door has been always open) and offering communication to get the other side of the story.....someone from the outside performed a 'side deal'. Who has more tenure in the USWP? I guess that means nothing, because instead of running fairly, this happens.

Obviously, this party is about side deals, back door arrangements and back stabbing and closed communication WITHIN its own party.

I'm honestly hurt by this crappy drama. So I herby resign my position in congress effective immediately and my leave of the party.

I have moved my to my 'home state' of Washington and for the time being decide to stay here and party free.

I'm surprised by this....seriously I am.

Thanks for reading and listening to my rant. I just wanted to get my story public and out there to know that the USWP is not all that perfect and great as it may seem.

I feel really wronged by what occured and I'm sorry if for being honest.

Thanks again,

Edited to include name of the parties invloved.