Why I hate the JCS

Day 1,001, 17:18 Published in USA USA by Harrison Richardson
Before I begin, let me make myself clear: I have nothing but respect for the hundreds of soldiers and officers that represent our Armed Forces. No single group does more to make this game fun than they do. As an officer in the Training Corps, I see daily how soldiers like Morrigan Alexandros, now promoted to Brigadier General, work to better our country. Batterytime, a good friend, was also a superior of mine in the Army when I served there. These are people of fundamental decency. The JCS, however, is a different matter. And, in this article, I will explain my problems with the JCS, and not the military. This article is very long, contains classified screenshots, and is very scathing. Read at your own peril.

I guess I should add another disclaimer. I don’t hate all of the JCS even. Hugs&Kisses GoalieBCSC.

Recently, Training Corps Colonel Necros Xiaoban wrote an article and he was critical of President Krems. I read the article and found some of his points to be with merit. However, one point that stuck with me was that he criticized the President for not talking with the JCS. I just couldn’t let this one go by without responding.

Woah, wait, back that up a minute. What? Did he really just put his foot that far in his mouth? In case you didn’t notice, the JCS, for the most part, despises the US Forum. Therefore, they don’t go to the Presidential Briefings there. They must hold separate briefings at their own forum. The problem is, they tend to have a hard time granting access to the right people. It took them four days to grant me access. As of yet, President Krems has not been given access on the military forum to the Briefings. And, yet, Necros has the gall to criticize the President for not communicating with the JCS.

All is well, right? We’ll just use IRC. Whoops. The Chairman doesn’t use IRC (or hasn’t recently). You see, there is a JCS channel (We’ll call it #amazingchannel for now) where they hang out. Back in my first term, during WWIII, the JCS allowed Presidents in there (The JCS is always allowed in even the most secret Executive channels. Sometimes only the Chairman is given access, but they are always given access). However, when I was elected again, I was informed that I wouldn’t be granted access to this channel. I was a security risk, so they said. So, they created a side-channel where they would all idle (We’ll call it #notamazing) and answer my questions. The problem was, no discussion ever went on there unless I prompted it. Throughout my term, I felt like the onus was on me to act as messenger between the JCS and everyone else. The JCS refused to do the simplest things like enter in to EDEN channels. I admit, the EDEN representatives at times were immature, but if the JCS are serious about their jobs, they can put something petty like getting kicked from a channel late at night when people are drunk aside. I do.

What goes on in these briefings, might you ask? Well, depending on the day, you might get Lucky yelling at you incoherently, Lucky yelling at you coherently, or.. Lucky yelling at you somewhat coherently. Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure from my term. This is a secure area of the military forum and will no doubt get me in deep doo-doo with the JCS. I felt it’s my property, as it’s of my administration and a thread meant to brief me. So, here are some pictures:

Jankems giving me a great briefing.

I’m aware more than two branches exist in the military. I’ve been around since the military was created. Thanks for the patronizing messages, though. Anyway, my intention here was to send some strong forces to help the Philippines. Instead of offering strategic advice, I get this.

Same old same old.

More strategic brilliance. Justifying why I wasn’t in #amazingchannel.

Agreeing with EDEN = EDEN lapdog. Cool story bro. Further, notice me making the solid tactical approach (not wasting money). But, hey, let the insults roar in the Presidential Briefing thread.

They broke said agreement two posts later or something like that.

The JCS got very angry (and filled a day’s briefing) when I said that “We liberated Limpopo during my term.” Said statement is true. I made the call to fund the battle after Lion King was lost. NXNW came to me and asked for funding and I granted it when we were low. Apparently, that is discrediting over 600 people. Nitpicking? Naww.

Now, this one I just plain don’t get. If I don’t talk to the JCS, I’m leaving them out of the loop. If I do, and I ask for their guidance, I’m riding on their coattails. All I asked for was DOD Orders, man. I’m not sure why the JCS controls the Department of Defense orders anyway. Maybe it’s another dick measuring thing.

In fairness, I felt it proper to show my response. Some snark from me indeed. At this point, I was just tired of it. For the record, want to know why so many Presidents rage quit? This article is talking about the very reason.

Also on the record of DOD access. I was denied it because I wasn’t trustworthy. That’s a bit comical. I don’t think it’s their place to say, but that’s just me. The people elect the President. I called NXNW’s power play what it was.

I classify this as one of the semi coherent.

COMPLETELY INCOHERENT. Also, quite angry that someone took his power away. I hear he got quite angry at NXNW in private about this whole issue. NXNW messed up, lost their unchecked power, and then this happened. Oh dear!

This one was just great. Now, I don’t deny my past, but at this point, the election was wrapped up. In the official MI orders, Seuss (then CO) decided it proper to more or less say “don’t vote for HR.” Surely the JCS isn’t political at all!

I begged PigInZen to save IRC logs from all of this conversations to one day publish them. I know Krems has some and I know Chocolate McSkittles has some. Whether or not they despise the JCS like I do is yet to be determined. I do feel the need to take this time to say a few things about a few JCS members I always found easy to work with: Paradiziac, Hadrian_X, GoalieBCSC, and Deificus (sorry if I misspell that one. Always do). Those are people who may disagree with you but will still work with you. In my practice, jankems, NXNW, Seuss, Lucky, Channing, and a cabal of others take any idea they don’t like (normally, even picturing ourselves in the same side as EDEN) and try to ram it up your (beep) so hard until you faint. It tires a man out.

I dislike the JCS because they are a group that is virtually unchecked (well, not any longer). They were for a year and they ran the country and that wasn’t cool with me. As was shown with NXNW when he wanted to do this and I wanted to do that, they aren’t always right. They were wrong there and I was right. I know, a broken clock is right twice a day. I dislike the JCS because they have no set retirement schedule. People want the big chair so much (some people) that they stay far past their expiration date just to get to it. Also, it’s the same fricken group of people that control power. You could say the same about the Executive, but no where does a person get so much power for doing so little continually month after month. There are a few old time JCS who transitioned from CO/XO to “adviser” roles and more or less ran the joint.

In the days of Harlot, the CJCS was great. He hates me and I hate him, but he respected the boundaries on his power. What made him great was his communication. He communicated with you. It wasn’t like the extraction it is now. To get any information, I have to beg for it on any number of different IRC rooms and forums. Over the course of the wars and the time after, the President became apathetic and gradually let the JCS get more and more power. When someone dared to stop them, all hell ensued. If you’ve ever wondered why I did what I did, why I think the JCS is too immature to handle even the most basic responsibilities, and why I do not want the JCS anywhere near foreign policy, this is why.

I’m considering releasing the logs, in full, from during my term. It’s been a while now and I think it’d be a fun little experiment. I’ll gauge reaction here and then decide.

I think I’m at my image limit for the article, so no tradition this time. Sorry.