Why I am not a socialist

Day 469, 11:05 Published in South Africa South Africa by Browski

Q: How many politicians does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Two. One to assure the public that everything possible is being done while the other screws it into a water faucet.

Most of you will know that FA is one of the few parties in eSA on the right – it’s only slightly on the right but it’s on the right side of things when it comes to policy and our approach to government. We’re not Socialists. So although I make similar promises to jizzie – I am not going to do things the same as him.

One person described Socialism (left) as an extensive government control over the economy, it is a disaster in theory and a disaster in practice. Personally I disagree with that. I think it’s a wonderful idea in theory – the problem is the practice. I would love to live in a socialist world where we have Utopia, the perfect society. The idea that everyone in a society thrives, and that poverty becomes a thing of the past through collective hard work and compassion.

That sounds great doesn’t it – the problem is that the real world does not work like that. eRepublik disadvantages the socialism approach even more than in the real world. eRepublik is built around economies that work because of capitalism (I know for some of you I just used a swear word - sorry). Unfortunately it’s true. For Socialism to work, every member of a society must pull their own weight. Take a look around, does that seem possible to you, as an intelligent life form? If eRepublik was a game where you play against a computer opponents/allies then socialism would work great. Predictability where everyone of your employees does what he is told. The truth is that we are playing against/with humans who skip work, go on leave and get fed up and even try to steal. eRepublik also has at the heart of it – if you work you get paid and are able to eat. Don’t work and you will not get any money – this is a capitalist (there’s that word again) approach. I sorry there will never be a socialist utopia in eRepublik.

“The old adage, give a man a fish, he will eat for a day, teach him to fish, he will eat for a lifetime is very pertinent to this discussion. If the government constantly gives men fish, why would they buy their own pole and bait a hook? The answer, they will not. Socialism will never work for the same reason that capitalism makes some people rich. In a capitalist market, those who work the hardest gain the most spoils. Removing the incentive for these hard workers to work, by redistributing their spoils, does nothing more than create mass poverty, it does not eliminate poverty. Look around, has socialism ever been successful?” (http://peaceamidchaos.blogspot.com/2007/01/why-socialism-will-never-work-in.html)

The trick is not to force the redistribution of wealth but rather to encourage people to get wealth and help others get that same wealth. Capitalism does not mean we cant have a great country that looks after it’s citizens and supports each other. We will have this if I’ve got anything to do with it. Now I’m also not saying we should not be compassionate and giving. We should share and give and help others as much as we can – lets teach as many people to fish as we can. What ever you sow you will reap. I live by this in real life and in eRepublik. We at FA are currently looking into the health care system and I hope very soon to announce our plan and unveil our new system to care for the wellbeing of ALL (even socialists) South Africans. I will be personally donating towards this initiative and the other one. (we actualy need them both)

If you want to explore this further take a look at http://www.fff.org/freedom/fd0306f.asp

eSouth Africa is a Great nation but it will be even better. The government can’t wave some magic wand over this and make it happen over night. This will take hard work form each of us – but I know we can do it. Free South Africa together.

Here is another joke to lighten up eSA

A candidate (call him Browski) for president was doing some door-to-door campaigning, and things were going pretty well, he thought, till he came to the house of a grouchy-looking fellow. After the candidate’s little speech, the fellow said, “Vote for you? Why I’d rather vote for the Devil!”
“I understand,” said the candidate, “but in case your friend is not running, may I count on your support?”

So if you can’t find the devil on the voting paper – vote Browski
