Why Game Mechanics Rock

Day 703, 19:52 Published in USA USA by Mr. Hyphenated
Game Mechanics are sexy

Okay, so maybe I exaggerated a little. At first glance, "Game Mechanics" as a policy for governing the eUSA doesn't seem particularly glamorous. We're much more accustomed to thinking of governmental policy in terms of liberal and conservative, Democrat and Republican. Yet as we near the two year anniversary of eRepublik, many of the most experienced players have come to realize that Real Life Politics have no place in eRepublik, as counter intuitive as it may seem. Game Mechanics as a governmental policy makes sense for three reasons.

1) No more petty politics.

In the past, unfortunately, many parties have valued personal success over the greater good for the nation. Or worse yet, they've used 'real life' language like "Big Government" or "Libertarian" to evaluate strategies in eRepublik. All of this is petty, and it's harmful to the good of the eUSA and its citizens. The philosophy of Game Mechanics values national success over party and personal gain. This, after all, makes sense. If the game mechanics dictate that the best way for a country to succeed is for some of its citizens to make sacrifices, according to Game Mechanics: so be it. True Game Mechanics support anyone who shows a clear depth of knowledge about how the game works, or shows a strong commitment to learning more about eRepublik's inner workings.No pettiness = sexy.

2) No more newbies.

I can't count how many times new politicians have provided distractions with calls for "Clean Water" or "Vote for Me, I'll Get A Q5 Hospital Built in Every State!". Or even just pleas for votes without a substantial platform. These calls serve as distractions for new players and as annoyances for more experienced players. But that's the beauty of the Game Mechanics philosophy: by its very nature, it calls for a thorough education of new players. eRepublik is set up such that the most active, engaged, and educated country will succeed. More knowledgeable citizens means a healthier economy, a stronger fighting force, and a more mobile and responsive country. While the eUSA may lead the game in terms of raw numbers of citizens, we are not as dominant as we could be. Educating these newbies would be a huge step towards achieving this goal. No newbies = sexy.

3) No more losing.

The eUS can and should be the most successful country in the game. While we are certainly not at the bottom of the eRepublik pile, we can and should do better as a country. Disasters like the near-total occupation of our country can be prevented. But in order to improve, we need more substantive debate. More mathematical analysis, like Phoenix Quinn's Analysis of Hospital Placement strategy needs to be conducted and dissemenated. Too many new players are allowed to go on 'working' at trap companies or two-click their way into boredom and disinterest. Too many players waste precious gold on unproductive companies in low-resource regions. Too many players are living outside of Florida and California. A stronger adherence to the Game Mechanics philosophy means more winning. More winning = sexy.

Tradition Homage
In summary, mechanics are sexy.

***Note: While I don't mean to say that only the Democratic Party espouses these values, or even that the Democratic Party has endorsed this article, I do think that they reflect many of the opinions written here. If you agree with this article, consider joining the Democratic Party to help reform our country.***