Why experience is so useful...

Day 1,327, 10:38 Published in Australia Australia by Timeoin

(Click here to see the enlarged image)
(Or: http://oi56.tinypic.com/nd64c0.jpg Follow that URL)

EDIT: DocterDry claims that he was unaware of the MPP. This is false:
here is his proposal to the Senate (http://oi53.tinypic.com/5mn1tt.jpg Url Link)

Note the time stamps

This image shows exactly why having some sort of experience is so crucial for the elected leader of the country....

Having some sort of experience leads to the avoidance of these sorts of things.

Remember, this person is the person that should be leading our country.

And he believes that Admin stole our AUD.

It is no wonder nothing is getting done in cabinet.

He has no idea HOW to get things done.

By the way, I will help you out here.

Your MPP with Canada 😃

(The same also works if you try and MPP Chile, too, if you like making typos)

In short: Ask your cabinet dumb questions first, before posting them in the general section of the forums.

Its impossible respect a leader who does not have the foggiest idea what the hell they are doing, and its very painful to watch.


And to conclude here's a message that discrate sent to one of the foreign ambassadors recently:
15:50 By the way, the guy your talking to [Timeon] in #ausrep is a massive eAustralian troll, so i generally ignore everything he says. I wouldn't listen to a word he says lol

Well, feel free to ignore me if you want, DocterDry. If you werent ignoring every message I sent you, I would have been able to point this out to you via a method of communication not so blatantly public, and the problem could be fixed quickly and harmlessly. Instead, this is the only way to get your attention. Well... you wanted transparancy: Here it is: You have NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE DOING Your move?