Why Erepublik?

Day 816, 20:15 Published in USA USA by Glove

After revisting the "Gold and Extras" section...I have noticed something different, something so incredibly strange that I nearly fell off my chair. First off, it looks a lot more organized and clean, however this asthetic has not blinded me.

I used to visit the "Gold and Extras" section in hopes of earning a little bit of extra gold by filling out surveys and completing offers. However, the changes done to this section now impair those hopes.

The section now has an amazing 12, thats right, 12 free offers (before it had at least like 30). In addition, these offers all require a credit card (at least all the ones I saw do). I don't have a credit card and even if I did I wouldn't trust the sponsors with my credit card number.

So after seeing the amazing 12 free offers I decided to see the "Survey" section. This section is just as bad..with an amazing 3 offers (each offering 1 gold respectively).

I remember when I first joined I hated the 1 dollar USD job I had so I went to these offers to get a little boost. Now what can that level 1 player do to get that boost? Pull out his credit card and hope someone doesn't steal his money? What about the guy without a credit card? Is he just out of luck?

Now I love this game, but I hate what you guys have done to the "Gold and Extras" section. We need more surveys and more free offers. We need to bring back some of the old ways.

Maybe if we petition to the admins and express our unhappiness, then possibly our voices could be heard. Help bring this article to the top, vote and subscribe!

Well, that is all.

P.S. Aren't any of you other guys pysched about V2?

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