Why eIreland has it wrong: or why we should leave Real Life at the door!

Day 826, 13:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Free Britain

Ever since EDEN forces attacked and occupied eUK sovereign territory, it was inevitable that some move would be made on eNorthern Ireland by her southern cousins. And a bold move it was, one which should be congratulated, and used as an opportunity to give the eIrish something to do. For so long now, eIreland has wallowed in a pit of despair and boredom. You had the chance to weigh in on the invasion of eUK (either for EDEN, or for Phoenix and eUK) and you didn't. Instead you talked and debated...and then talked some more! So it is no surprise that you attacked eNI and took it from eNorway.

However, your motivations are all wrong! Many of you claim some link to eNI based not on in-game mechanics or realities, but based on real life. Within the context of this game, eNI was NEVER a part of eIreland. You have no moral or sovereign claim to the northern part of Ireland, at least when viewed through game mechanics.

So what then is the claim? I think it would be fair to say that for many, the claim is based on real life issues. Issues which even now, run very deep within the soul of Ireland (both north and south). Issues which should not be exploited in a GAME. Most, if not all of us, come to this New World, because it is a game, it is an escape from the reality of our world. It is an escape from the pressures of work, school or home life. It is an escape from the conflict, war and death in the real world, for in the New World, no one can die, and there are no victims in wars here, apart from the slight upheaval that is caused for a few months. To bring real life issues, especially ones so fraught with tension, into this game is quite frankly idiotic and irresponsible! Regardless of where you stand in real life, whether you be Republican, or Unionist, southerner or northerner, should not matter here.

As far as admins and game mechanics are concerned, eNI belongs to eUK. For that reason, all sensible, right thinking people, who wish to banish the harsh reality of life from this game, and enjoy this place, should fight for the Resistance. Those who bring real world politics into this game are idiots!

As an aside, if eIreland wanted a war of conquest, that is a different story. You can take your chances and juke it out with the eUK, and good luck to ya. But eNI is not yours, and you have never had, nor never shall, have any sovereign or unalienable right to it.

In the words of a great philosopher; GTFO!

Vive la Resistance!