Why does men chace women and not the opposite?

Day 1,148, 07:02 Published in Greece Greece by Rockisticus

Why does men chase women and not the opposite?

Hi! Today I thought of that question over and over again, and I think I got a biblical explanation, and a social explanation.

But first alittle background.

Every one know that the man should make the first step to ask a woman out, but no one knows WHY. Many philosophers and many of my family tried to find out about this question. My great grand father, who was a biblical-scholar, came up with an answer: "Once the man and the woman were combined, back to back, stuck with their flesh. Then came the lord thy god, and from the soil made glass, and with that glass he cut the man and woman. Now the man is trying to reunite, but because they could not reunite in the same way, they found another way, sex."

But he did not answered the question, why does men cahse women, and not women chase men?

So these are my explanations:

The book of books teaches us that god took one rib from the man, and crafted a woman with it. Now, because the first man lost his rib, his descendants try to get their ribs back. And they know where to find them, in a woman.

Men are horny beasts. We get aroused from everything. Some men like this, and some men like that. Because we grew close to women all our lives, even is we are orthodox jews, that almost live sepaaretly from women, we know who they are, and why we are interested in them. Rather it is because we love the way they act, of the way they look, or even a shared advanture in some time in our lives.

Hoped you like this article!

See you tomorrow!


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