Why DocterDry Wants Australians To Change Citizenship

Day 1,326, 17:11 Published in Australia Australia by Timeoin

If you want to help Australia, change citizenship immediately

That appears to be the message coming from DocterDry's cabinet right now.

That's right. You heard me.


At the start of his term, he promised us a Training War with New Zealand.

Now, to any person with half a brain, this would involve an actual Training war with New Zealand, with a Natural Enemy to boot. Sadly, this requirement rules out our esteemed CP.

In his budget proposal (which, by the way, includes a massive slap in the face to most of our closest allies, particularly America) there is also a request for budgeting for an MPP with Chile.

When questioned about this on the thread, he replied that this is for a "training war with New Zealand".

So instead of having a training war ourselves, in which our citizens have the advantage of training up faster due to increased damage in fights, and also when training, we have NOTHING . Absolutely nothing.

Not only that, but EVERY SINGLE DAY we do not have an NE, our enemies and our allies continue to get progressively stronger. It is the reason why serious military-minded individuals (i.e our main tanks), such as Larni and Henry, are no longer Australian citizenships. (At least, they REMAIN tanks because they are no longer citizens)

This is because they need the maximum amount of strength each day in order to stay at their current levels. They cannot do this from eAustralia.

In short - his inability to achieve an Actual training war is a huge slap in the face to his goals of making eAustralia stronger, and just proves how he is a CP with very little substance.

Note also: The reason this is being posted as an article instead of PM'ing concerns to someone in his cabinet is that DD has already proven his love of doctering PM's sent to make them appear sinister (check the forums if you dont believe me).

That is a side issue though. DocterDry is a CP who really has no idea what he is doing. Then again, did anyone Really expect any different from him?

EDIT: Since Discrate is adamantly denying that he said it:
Here is the link where he did . Was to see how long it lasts before it is edited 😛