Why blame FA?

Day 464, 11:37 Published in South Africa South Africa by Black8Shadow

I noticed this comment in one News Paper I currently enjoy reading.

Posted by Ms Engels, thanks for bringing this up!

"I often lean toward the right on some issues and am sympathetic toward what FA tries to stand for. It just frustrates me that nothing seems to get done and the best talent and ideas serving the nation comes from other ( non-FA ) sectors.

Still, they run one heck of a show come campaign time, and the numbers they pull are astounding for our small nation. My hat is off to their campaign team and I bet you can expect bright futures in the private sector should you be so inclined!"

These thoughts have crossed my mind too, why does nothing get done, my views are:

Free Africa is trying to be too nice, creating a Government in which everybody has a role to play even though I like this idea also, but with our time constraints between Presidential Elections this causes a major problem in that there is simply no time for making everybody happy also to many Ministers wanting a title in little SA. Also take into consideration our running of the country has been short basically only 3 -4 months, think about all the ZAR we lost to the Theocrats because of our poor intelligence service and slow actions to the treat, and think what we could have done with that money. Why did Government lose that money and who got into trouble, nobody. All the most important Ministries are run by non FA members and their cronies, now think again about your question Ms Engels and the reason for nothing getting done - are some of your friends, not Free Africa.

I have some questions and demands, as a Citizen.

1.Can the citizens get a statement that list the governments income and expenditure every month after all this is our money and I for one would like to know what it gets spend on. I am sure more people would also like to know what happens to their money.

2.Organisations that have been formed with SA money and maintained with our money what do they buy and can we have a progress report from these Ministers that get given money every month, also a list that show us what they have bought with this money and don’t tell us, its a secret and its best we don’t know, that’s not going to cut it. These people get some times more than 20 gold per month that’s outrageous we can’t afford that sort of spending!

3.Once the Ministers get replace will they give up their organisations to the new ones or do we loss them and all the investment into what ever it is that they buy. Or do they simply throw a tantrum and get to keep their organisation and continue as if the instruction is not legitimate because its seems thats what would happen.

4.It seems like every month the usual beggars line up and get their money and off they go and then return only to ask more money later. Sounds very much like Africa to me people, however this is eSA and we don’t get UN donations or US Aid food here.

5.The Reserve Bank of South Africa fulfils a very good role, low cost loans and our money is safe there, to an extent with its current chief in charge, however what happens if Mr Vellos dies tomorrow in the eWorld or he is unable to play for a extended period of time, what happens, there was talk, but what plan did you come up with Government? Even though I trust the man with our money does the Government have a contract with him that can be enforced via the admins, can we see it?

6.We see nice financial news, comments and speculation in relation to the current financial position we find ourselves in by the RBSA, which I like and I believe it to be of some value, however were does the RBSA show us its financial statements. Look it does not have to be every month but let’s make it every 3 at lease show us what you have done with our money. Money just goes in where does it come out again to help our citizens? If you want to be the guardian of eSA money you should at lease report on what’s being done with it. Disclose the expenditure and be transparent. There is no need for secrets here. Have the bank ever been audited?

7.Why is money being spent on a Military that would never be able to defend us properly, we don’t have the ability to do that if war comes, hell we all have to fight and we all will probably with the right coordination. I have a feeling that some Government funds are being used to fund private citizen’s advancement in the game and that we the citizens of eSA will never have the benefit of the funds dished out to these individuals.

8.Were is our national health system we give money away to “projects” but we don’t help our citizens to have an acceptable level of wellness. This has major impact on productivity our GDP. Should we ever be attack our citizens will be useless in a battle maybe 2 fights then can’t heal because only Guateng has a hospital what about the people in the other regions? Do something! Stop the blah blab blah!

9.Then regarding the Indo’s they don’t want more land they got what they wanted secured access to South America. We should approach these people in different light stop thinking about attacking them. Nobody is going to come help us they don’t have the funds and have their own problems to deal with. The Atlantis Alliance got their butts kick by Peace, these people are active and they fight with intelligence (PEACE). The best military leaders in eUS made critical mistakes during the war in France, simply because it becomes impossible to control so many people and they ended up with over fights. Thus could not defend when the Indo’s got onto the offensive. The Indo’s coordination skill in battle was surgical in this regard. If you think we can take on Peace you’re out of your mind and if you say to me that the US and Canada is going to come and “help” us, I’d say you have lost your marbles completely. They would only be able to defend their own borders on their territory successfully. Plus the cost of such a war who is going to pay? We are battling just to try and get a defence system purchased, because we simply don’t have the money, because we waste too much money!

10.During recent discussions with Government I have become aware of the enormous bureaucracy within our Government and Ms Engels this does not stem from any FA members. You may think that the FA members are weak and not talented and have no ideas however your own next statement contradicts you totally “Still, they run one heck of a show; I bet you can expect bright futures in the private sector should you be so inclined”

Let me tell you we (FA) are full of ideas and very willing and very able to turn this country around from its current going no where situation not created by us. I urge our leaders STOP being nice forget this unity business, in fact it’s driving us apart. If FA wins the next election let FA people run the show I’ll guaranty you more action. This way of talk talk talk and nothing happens frankly it sux and drains a person to the extant that you feel there is no hope and you’re being grinded to a stop, so that you move out of the way and the preferred people get their way which will only line the pockets of their cronies. This is everybodies game and those people that hold power currently, your days are number your club/gang of elite preferred people system will not succeed in the long run. We the people will bring it to it’s knees by our votes. If we all stop being stupid and lazy and start doing, we would have what we need and want.

If you prove your loyalty and your views and your actions is positive for SA’s future you will have a place in Free Africa’s future. Those people I requested to step down from running in the Congress elections so that you may first become more involved in the Free Africa forum good for you, you showed that your goals are long term and if you take part in the forum and say your say, come up with plans and solutions YOU are our future!

Again I demand a Government that starts to help their citizens really and I mean really stop talking about what you want to do and do it!

I demand Transparency, stop giving money to our “military” for a few months and we could have a defence system. If these people are serious about defending eSA let them go and build their skill like I did at my own cost, I think I achieved a lot in a very short time ask Kiwifire we even had a race to see who gets to Lt first – the SA Army did not help me nor would they. Why, I am not their pal. In fact they shot down the ideas about going to fight in wars at first, saying that military skill (which you get from training) determines your damage done in battle, not realizing that RANK actually causes more damage which is what we were tying to tell them at the time. Now there is suddenly a push for them to go a fight and get their rank. I don’t like that they, in my view would not know how to defend our nation and the fact that they pretend too. They don’t understand how defence systems work and what to do if you are attacked or how to prevent it, not that anybody would come and attack us. My point with the current military is we are wasting money on it rather go and have a civil conversation with the Indo’s, explaining our views at lease they would see we are not idiots believing we can successfully attack them. Has anybody gone to talk to them what’s the news for your Citizens what happened?

The Indio’s are in fact indirectly defending us from any attacks by other nations someone wrote an exhalent article some time ago expressing these same views which is very true.

Stop talking about nationalization, because you will not have time to run these companies effectively leave it up to our citizens and assist local business by subsidizing them if they disappoint stop funding, but stop talking and start doing something and make it easy. This is a game, don’t make things impossible with bureaucracy keep it simple and stupid it works the best.

I urge our FA members to get involved in the forum lets become more organised lets be the force that changes things lets do it with care and in the best interest of our Country lets Free ourselves first and make Government work for us, we have the right!


Here is the most recent list of Ministers in SA.

Deputy President - Jizzy Mcquire BLF
Minister of Finance - Hireshmont Vellos BLF
Minister of Safety and Security – Black8Shadow FA
Minister of Minerals and Energy - Balon Swann FA
Minister of Intelligence - Kiwifire (Did not accept) Ryan Dagari I don’t know which party anymore
Minister of Education – Davewa FA
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Taylor Ressurected (Is fired as of today I have asked Browski if he would accept the post) Taylor was BLF then FA; Browski FA
Minister of Defense - Brendan E Austerion BLF
Minister of Social Affairs – Rico Suave BLF
Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development – Bazti FA

This structure needs to change to a more efficient one with fewer Minsters and more people that do something! ( Less Chiefs and more Indians is what is needed )