Why aren't you a TeKhnoKrat?

Day 820, 07:13 Published in USA USA by Gnaeus Progenitor
http://img442.imageshack.us/i/mariarings.jpg/">http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/7723/mariarings.jpg" border="0" />

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Greetings, I am Gnaeus Progenitor, President of the Technocratic Party of America.
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Do the largest parties in this country, in this game, seem a bit stuffy? Do you feel like they aren't all that exciting? The Technocratic Party of America is here to offer an alternative.

http://img693.imageshack.us/i/dontpanic.jpg/">http://img693.imageshack.us/img693/3082/dontpanic.jpg" border="0" />

Link to party: Technocratic Party of America

Some things about the party:
- We are a small party [even smaller when you look at our dead members... though we gladly welcome dead and dying citizens. We do not discriminate based on wellness.]
- Formerly known as The Robotics Party of America.
- We are a new party. [We're looking for officers too, so far I think we have almost 2...]
- We have a chat room on the IRC: #techparty [come join us on there for debate, idle banter, and eSandwiches]

What does the Party stand for: [You don't have to completely agree with our beliefs to join - we're not Totalitarian, for Emerick's sake.]
- We believe in the infallibility of the almighty Erepublik Admins. We also believe in Sarcasm.
- We believe in a living wage for the workers of the U.S.
- We believe in the protection of American interests at home and abroad. [Vague, yes. True, yes.]
- We believe in promoting player retention. [And who doesn't?]
- We believe that there is much win emanating from this sector.
- We believe educating players in a variety of subjects is crucial.
- We believe in heckling the Admins when stuff goes wrong [Lana], and thanking them when things go right [Like an honest battle; see Karnataka].
- We like war. Our senses tell us it is fun.
- We find that the number 42 holds all of the answers.
- We believe in not Panicking.

I hope that list gave you at least a fuzzy outline of what this party aims to be.

http://img130.imageshack.us/i/sorayama1.jpg/">http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/2752/sorayama1.jpg" border="0" />

Technocracy is a form of government where people in technical and highly educated professions are given political power. In this Technocratic party - it's more about getting a theme going to to bring like-minded individuals together and assisting its members in becoming quite educated in the ways of the game - thus they can become a TekhnoKrat.

http://img706.imageshack.us/i/villeradieuse.jpg/">http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/9213/villeradieuse.jpg" border="0" />

It is my belief that Parties can act as more or less social networks which can get players involved and make this game more enjoyable. Many may hesitate to join a newly branded party, with rather low membership, but they should not be hesitant! It gives them an opportunity to help shape the impressionable toddler that is an undeveloped party.

The goal of this party is to promote, emphasize, and endorse fun [we also endorse randomness]. Yes, we do have serious positions on political issues. Though, this is a party that wants its members to remember that this is a game - and its purpose is for the alleviation of boredom. We aim to actively engage our members [the ones who have over 0 wellness] to keep things lively.

We want to have our voices heard by the Admins, our suggestions, our complaints. We stand up not just the citizens of the eU.S., but the players of the New World.

http://img64.imageshack.us/i/powerbuttoncarver1.jpg/">http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/5686/powerbuttoncarver1.jpg" border="0" />

We invite you to join the Technocratic Party! Engineers, teachers, students, Rocket Scientists, Business peoples, Biologists, Psychiatrists [bring pills], Jet Set Playboys [is that jacuzzi portable?], the unemployed, Journalists, Writers, the unwashed, dropouts, homeless, the washed, Lost fans, Episcopalians, 4channers [Over. 9000.], S.E.E.S. Members, Zoli, anarchists, socialists, optimates, populares, plebians, Starbucks empl... you get the picture. Everyone is invited. We want to have participation not just numbers [though, we are more than willing take just numbers].

Help build this party, get in early. Help us not just make this party fun, but this game fun. There has been a liveliness deficit lately - the invasion of Britain has been helping, but it is a band-aid to large, open wound.

http://img294.imageshack.us/i/transformersx.jpg/">http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/8464/transformersx.jpg" border="0" />

With all of the promise and potential - one must ask themselves - "Why am I not a TeKhnoKrat?"


*Admire the new logo [thanks to Anubis4200]:

http://img11.imageshack.us/i/technocraticpartylogosm.jpg/">http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/365/technocraticpartylogosm.jpg" border="0" />

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Finally, if you feel like this party is not to your taste, please check one of the following parties:
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Manifest Destiny Party
The Bull Moose Party
Umbrella Research Party
Vampire Slayers

That is all I have for you right now. I have it on good authority that this party is already cooler than most others most of the time.

Gnaeus Progenitor, Party President and Head Technocrat.

http://img709.imageshack.us/i/vogonbureaucracy.jpg/">http://img709.imageshack.us/img709/455/vogonbureaucracy.jpg" border="0" />