why are we winning this war?

Day 819, 09:44 Published in USA USA by Pearcey333

1. Because we are great.

2. Britain dont want there country. British people have to live with their weather, their public transportation and worst of all their govenment (RL & eUK). they simply dont want to live with the pain of being rubish. I should know i am British (RL) and i can tell you that nothing seems to go well.
We listen to a govenment that really are just taking our money and spending it on themselves. 97% of public schools are in debt and still lacking basic equipment. 0% of building are built on time. so in truth your doing british people a favour by attacking them.

*. I must annouce i made this paper with one aim, none.
none does represent and a lot of things: the chance that eBritain will beat eUSA, the point in eUK's resistance wars and their population number after the war.