Why, and what you should do about it!

Day 509, 08:21 Published in Sweden Sweden by Rhood

I started writing this article in the comment box shortly after I was done reading Toothpaste's article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/front-but-we-haven-t-done-anything--775936/1/20
My comment quickly turned to be something more than just a comment and I therefore post it as an article, simple but clever. I have used Toothpaste's article as a sounding board (bollplank in Swedish) to my article, since it came so naturally. Please, try to read it as a comment to Toothpaste's article. Well... I have nothing more to say but... enjoy!

"when FBS was in total power, we used our private companies to push the salaries up if they where to low, and we push the prices down if they were to high. It was good times for both companies and workers."

Who did get anything of this except for the FBS company owners? When you have a market and a power to control it, the workers' salaries no longer matter. Because either the salaries goes up or down, the price of the currency follows. Sometimes even the prices of products follows, giving the company owners further more money. Since the human resource market follows the marketplace it is very easy to be fooled, thinking you are making quite a lot of money as a private company worker - given todays market. But that's not the case, the company owners control the “todays” market. Making you, the common worker, believe anything they want you to.

"FRONT's ideology, let me quote, "let the market fix it self", isn't a solution for a small country like Sweden."

Neither is FBS's company elite controlling the market! Socialism is the only true answer to the lack of solution, we see in bourgeoisie eSweden today! All players of erepublik are workers in a way or another, therefore should we organize the society so that everybody can be able to do what they want to. With a state governed, people owned market everybody can do exactly what they want to and we would be able to breach the walls of this game.
With worker owned cooperatives, granted by the state, people with the interest of managing a company can do so! You would be able to work, have the honor to serve and to be a cornerstone and the basis of the sovereign socialistic state!
Socialism is life and what makes us human, therefore everybody who feels interested in developing a new socialistic genre through a political career can do so. Socialism is broad and ever changeable.
Socialism can even provide the need of wars, since it would be against the human nature for everyone to abide to the socialistic society and since the fanatic right wing never will grow up we will have to silence them by the use of arms, freeing the oppressed workers and socialists in other nations. Socialism is the answer!

"Radical and nationalistic political parties like FRONT shouldn't be in power, they are needed on the side line as critics, but giving them full control will drive us to the poor house while their members, the company owners, will have their pockets stuffed with gold."

Side line?! I would rather say that FRONT should serve on the firing line, but due to my political affiliation it is obvious for me to welcome them as a brand new part and perspective of the workers' socialism.

"Let FRONT be a club for the rich and greedy; I urge everyone to either switch party to a more central one, like Flashback Sweden (FBS) or Democrats of the New Sweden (DNS). In less than 12 days we have a new congress election and it should be in every workers interest that FRONT looses the majority in the congress."

I don't want to let FRONT being a club for the rich and greedy! I urge everyone to switch party to a more socialistic one, like MSAP! In less then 12 days we have a new congress election and it should be in every workers' interest, regardless if you are working as a company owner, having a political career, being a metal forged soldier or just a "common" worker, that socialism and MSAP gets majority in congress!